
I recently read that the Boy Scouts of America might soon be added to the charities list that one might easily donate to with the check of a box on Michigan tax forms. The Center For Inquiry (CFI) is opposed to this on the basis that the organization discriminates based on religion but also because they will not allow homosexual men to be scoutmasters. In support of LGBTQ, it generally makes sense to fight against such discrimination. And yet, this posed another question in my mind.

Why aren't women allowed to be scoutmasters for the Boy Scouts? Or better yet, why aren't men allowed to be the scoutmasters of Girl Scouts? Is it merely because these are clubs segregated by gender? Boys with boys and girls with girls? What was the fundamental thought behind segregating them in the first place? Well, why do we segregate men from women in restrooms? Is it because it's fun to classify people by penis and vulva? I could only imagine that the original idea is entirely based on the function of sex. We segregate men from women because men quite often enjoy sexual encounters with women and vice versa. The segregation would serve as a buffer between such primal urges that often overtakes men more than women (of those convicted, 99% of rapists are male).

Men are typically wired a bit differently than women. They are more visually enticed into sexual desire whereas women are not generally so easily stimulated by sight. Until sexual relations become less taboo and more open and friendly common-place interactions beyond the confines of marriage, we should probably keep such temptation to a minimum--especially for men. All people are subject to doing things they regret. Sex is quite often one of the big ones. Thus, it is in my opinion, a good idea to keep situations at a minimum where bad choices are more enticing and more easily performed in the heat of the moment.

In the case of the Boy Scouts, to have a gay scoutmaster is to introduce such potentially enticing situations. Now, I certainly admit there's a big difference between homosexuality and pedophilia, but I might argue that a heterosexual male in control of a bunch of young girls and camping out with them is probably a lot more temptation than one should feel comfortable with. So why should it be any different with a homosexual man and a group of young boys? The temptation would be there just as much and should just as much be avoided. I wouldn't dream of being the scoutmaster of girls. What would be my drawing factor in it? And what would be the perceived drawing factor? It's simply best for me to avoid the situation all together.

To be supportive of LGBTQ should not be to make them equally qualified for all positions that others of the same genitalia possess. All homosexual persons need to use the restroom and thus it is fairly impossible to keep them equally segregated as the two sexes of the heterosexuals. But in the case of camping out with the gender of your attraction, this can very easily be avoided. Not all homosexuals need to be scoutmasters. And any homosexual man that wishes to be a scoutmaster for boys is just as much under my scrutiny as a heterosexual man wishing to be the scoutmaster of girls (just to be fair, of course). In my opinion, it is better for the sake of the homosexuals to forego pursuing such positions to prevent doubt, scrutiny, and temptation alike. It's a fact of life that we can't all be everything we may wish to be. There are many other things to strive for. Until we are fine with common-place casual sex, it's generally best to take the higher ground and avoid such situations where one might be tempted.