Democracy It Isn't

The United States' claim to fame is Freedom. Part of this freedom is that of speech--being heard. We are free to speak whatever we like and we're even free to vote for whomever we feel will lead our country best. But how true is this really? Sure, we can talk, but will anyone listen? Sure we can vote, but will it make a difference? Despite the conception that we are all equal, this is most often a resounding no; we will not be heard nor make a difference. We are not all equal nor are we equally capable of being heard when we talk nor making significant impact via voting.

The trouble is that the average person is only average. The average person and especially the below average person is easily swayed and manipulated by those who are above average. And those with all the money are the ones capable of making themselves known and heard thus manipulating the average person to their whims. Those with money and power generally wish to keep their money and power, and they're quite talented at making speeches and presentations to do so. Their arguments often seem reasonable to the average person but are ultimately filled with fallacy and correlation versus true causation. The average person only has an average education and thus is incapable of perceiving the difference. Even many well-educated people fail in the logical differences of causation and correlation and are similarly manipulated through faulty logic.

Even further, we are more directed by our primitive feelings than we often realize and the powerful are quite knowledgeable of this fact. They spark emotion via lust, fear, prestige, and then correlate a thought or product such that our minds naturally avoid or draw toward it subconsciously. We all want love and sex so when a sexy person eats a candy bar with her loving and faithful husband, our mind subconsciously relates love, sex, companionship, respect, adoration, and so on with candy bar. As soon as we see a candy bar, we suddenly have an underlying feeling that we will be happy if we consume it since the product is ultimately tied to all our primitive desires subconsciously. This all happens beneath our conscious minds and it's what causes us to make terrible decisions. This is why so many people are overweight today. We have a hard time disassociating these feelings from the products shown in the commercials. Our brain recalls the amount of joy linked with such a product and we're almost powerless to its effect. If people want to lose weight, they should try avoiding media!

So what we have then, is a system that seems like a democracy, but is widely determined by the few wealthy and powerful people. And, of course, they sway the people in ways that strengthen their positions even to the harm of those voting for them. While some people may see through the charade, the majority is still the majority and that's what democracy is founded upon. In short, I may have the freedom to write this article, but I have no such prestige, power, wealth, or position to truly be heard. On occasion this can change, and certainly I hope it will, but as a general principle, freedom of speech means very little when you're a grain of sand on a beach--especially when that beach is surrounded by the speakers of the blaring media with their correlating false conclusions.

Assuming that a person is even successful enough to be heard on a large scale, if they're standing up for what is right, they're generally lacking in the ways of manipulation. Thus, their arguments are often refuted with ease by the hundreds of authoritative voices with false accusations and logic. This, of course, is nothing new. This problem has been going on since the beginning of time. Smart people with evil desires manipulate the masses to their own betterment. The only way this will stop is by a righteous person with real authority.

People often fear the concept of monarchy since we've most often only heard of the evils it produces. It only produces evil, however, if you have an evil king, queen, emperor, or what-have-you. A person who thrives on righteousness would make an amazing king and the people would most benefit from it. Even if the world was filled with righteous people, a democracy will still only yield average results as the average person votes. Imagine going to Walmart and gathering everyone together to vote on your future. Whatever they decide as a majority is the advice you should follow. It makes absolutely no sense at all to do such a thing. It makes more sense to choose wise, intelligent, and righteous people to help guide your life. And It makes the most sense to have a wise, intelligent, and righteous person be the sole ruler. Such a person, being of such characteristics, would consult many other people of the same caliber in order to make decisions because he will recognize that a single person is still limited in his understanding and insight.

The United States' government is a good thing when compared to evil monarchies. But it pales significantly in comparison to a good monarchy. It can never reach the best potential for the world and the world will forever remain in turmoil, distress, wars, hunger, disease, and so on when we allow the world to vote as a whole. Evil people will vote just as much as good people and probably even more so. And as long as they are effective, they will always win out. Good people have no fear of a good government and thus they should have no fear of a monarchy comprised of such good people. The main question for good people is how to go about creating it. That is now my goal: Righteous Government, Righteous People, World Peace, and a Utopian Society.