How Christianity Stole Years Of My Life

I've always been of the logical sort. Logic often leads me to great and wonderful conclusions. Unfortunately, logic can also be quite detrimental if the data points used in the equations are faulty. Christianity was the father of many invalid data points and thus many faulty conclusions. I believed Christianity to be true and thus drew many more conclusions based upon this fallacious idea. It ultimately destroyed many years of my life. Instead of pursuing grand endeavors to truly help society, I wasted years attempting to convert people to believe in a fable--quite the opposite of my true intent.

It was my Junior year of high school that I decided to begin saving the world. It ultimately started with "revelation" from the Bible that those who did not do the will of God would burn in hell for eternity; it appeared that it wasn't merely believing in Jesus that gave one protection from the flames, but actually good behavior. And so began my frantic fire and brimstone sermons to all my friends. From there it simply got worse. I was worried about my own safety if I didn't convert the world to Jesus (as was God's will, of course). My ultimate aim in life had to be that of the zealot. I had to forsake all: my friends, my family, my education. If I didn't forsake everything, I was not fit for the Kingdom of God! That, of course, was not something I could afford.

I could have studied useful things that would benefit mankind, but instead I focused on the only thing that mattered: converting the heathen. For what good was it if I could heal cancer if I didn't heal the soul? What good was it if I could build equipement to end religious wars if everyone was still destined to eternity in hell? What good was it to figure out how to travel space, find the boson particle, or solve world hunger if everyone would soon face the bloody wrath of the Almighty God? It would have served no purpose at all! This is pure logic. If truly I wanted to help, I had no choice but to convert souls to recursive regurgitation of religion.

I quit my studies in Computer Science to become a missionary. God was all powerful and would provide everything for those that follow his will so I had no need for money. I encouraged a like-minded girl to also quit school, marry me, and together fulfill the ultimate duty as disciples. She would have been a doctor. She would have helped people herself. Instead, we left with nothing and expected God to provide. Turns out there wasn't enough Godly power to pay off our school debt so we had to go back to school for the simple purpose of obtaining better jobs to pay it off. Years of school were wasted as I studied a fairytale more in depth. A year and a half was wasted expecting money to fall from the sky rather than working hard for it. Many more years followed that I wasted by pursuing greater achievements of outreach rather than honing my technical skills or furthering my education. Let's not forget to mention the thousands of dollars I've wasted on tithing to buildings that do no more than give people a private place to practice their sing-alongs and pretend to eat flesh and drink blood.

Perhaps I could have been an astronaut. Perhaps I could have been the next Einstein. Unfortunately, I am now a twisted individual years behind my technical potential with a depraved understanding of life and an inability to experience or express joy due to such an overwhelmingly negative outlook on the future of life. Now my efforts are focused on regaining who I am as a person. Learning to cope with life, deal with people, and even eat healthy instead of simply expecting God to take care of it all for me by remaining ignorant and faithful. I had no need to worry about such things so long as I had faith. The Holy Spirit would save me from poisons! The stress of it all has manifested itself in tics of jerking my head and popping my ears. I'm now a joyless freak without control of mind or body--all thanks to Christianity.

Christianity is not simply incorrect, it is harmful to society. It steals money from weak-minded people who don't question their childhood beliefs that were ingrained in them since birth. It steals potential productivity in the future and wastes it on storytelling and lie-sharing. It's only purpose is to spread itself throughout humanity without true concern for it. It is naught but a cancer propagating itself. Sadly, it appears that Christianity is the least damaging of the religious cancers plaguing the earth, but even though they're not murdering little girls for wanting an education, they more subtly corrupt people's minds to choose ignorance and reject education. I can only hope that I learn to regain proper control of my life. And if, in the end, there happens to be a god, I expect him to be more pleased with my efforts at bettering myself and society than he would have been via my twisting people's minds to a medieval or stone-aged belief that blood sacrifices pardons wrongs.