
"Anyone who says that they're great at communicating but 'people are bad at listening' is confused about how communication works."

Communication is a key ingredient to world peace and personal sanity. Being of such a complex endeavor, an entire page is devoted to understanding proper communication.

  • Why Debate Exists About Systemic Racism and Sexism
  • Decency: The Uprising
  • To properly communicate, one takes the other's language, cultural norms, and capability into account so as to speak on his or her level to facilitate understanding.
  • "Unasked advice is aggression." [2]
  • Unasked correction is advice with an added punch to the groin (use with caution).
  • Announcing another's failures with no concern for guiding them in a method that works for them should be labeled as a criminal offense for inciting emotional outbursts leading toward insanity.
  • A person must wish to learn in order to learn well.
  • Apologies should be acknowledged as either accepted, unaccepted, or else clarified.
  • Friendliness aids in communicative ability.
  • Communication is still communication even if it is misunderstood or misinterpreted--it was merely ineffective.
  • Perceived communication that does not exist obviously does not exist, but the converse is also true.
  • Not taking the time to understand what a person means is the direct opposite of good communication.
  • Constraining an individual in how they are 'allowed' to communicate is beyond rude and puts up a communicative barrier.
  • Calling others delusional and uplifting one's own superiority and capability is beyond rude and puts up a communicative barrier.
  • Consciously behaving toward another in manners known to be rude to that individual should be labeled as a criminal offense.
  • The person of higher intellect has more responsibility to meet the communicative ability of the person with lesser intellect.
  • It may be impossible to communicate effectively with certain people.
  • If you argue with a fool, it's hard to tell who's the fool.
  • Emotion is rarely useful in communicating except when manipulating others.
  • Both parties must wish to understand the other for communication to be effective.
  • Only a fool would speak everything in his mind without concern for its effect.
  • Consider first whether or not a person is worth communicating with at all.