A Rose By Latin Name

Dandelions aplenty

Puffs that blow and spread

Watered, dancing, joyful

No thought they'll soon be dead

Victors pranced in joy

Chains were on the floor

Grateful now to wither

Look not beyond their door

Desert roses, many

Closed and never bloom

Veiled and shattered petals

Silenced in their gloom

Blankets made of yarn

No, these are made of flesh

Timeless, frozen ways

Makes a sturdy mesh

Daffodils, they're few

They trumpet once and die

Under Winter's blanket

Each flake a new white lie

Happiness is golden

A bugle isn't so

Deemed unfit for joy

Go wallow on your own

A rose by any name

Is only sweet at home

The rest are nowhere near

And never free to roam

No voice to speak aloud

In secret petals bloom

Caught by weeds and thorns

Alight within their room

Dandelions aplenty

Frolic in the sun

Watered, joyful, dancing

No harm is ever done