Cisco Assignments

Chapter 1

1. 50 Chapter Review Questions

view: Answer Key

2. Create 10 Questions of your own that you feel cover the most important concepts of the chapter.

3. Review the Chapter 1 Power Point

4. Complete the practice Quiz on the Cisco Website

Place completed assignments in the Teacher Hand-In Folder

Chapter 2

1. Complete the Chapter 2 Hard Drive Diagnostic Worksheet

2. Review the Chapter 2 Power Point

3. Complete the practice Quiz on the Cisco Website

part 2

Computer Hardware Lab

Place completed assignments in the Teacher Hand-In Folder

Week of November 15, 2010

Chapter 3 (Grade 11)

Please read through Chapter 3 on the Cisco Website

This chapter will involve you using the "Virtual Desktop" activity.

Complete the Itess.doc & PC Assembly documents, located in the handout folder.

Please place these in the Hand-In folder, under chapter 3. ** Remember to put your name in the filename, ex.

Bobsmith-itess.doc & bobsmith-PCassemble.doc **

Chapter 13 (Grade 12)

Please read through Chapter 13 on the Cisco Site. Also view the Chapter 13 power point in the handout folder.

You must complete the Chapter 13 worksheet and place it in the hand-in folder as well.

Future Technologies Assignment

Your task will be to research one type of new or emerging technology that interests you. You will choose one technology that you actually think will be useful in the future and will be widely adopted. You must create a section on your homework site called "Future Technologies Assignment".

You need to include:

    • - pictures of this technology

    • - minimum 2 paragraphs

      • -1 describing the history and current state of the company

      • -2 describing the technology and why you think it will be useful

Due on your website by the end of class on Thursday, Dec 16th

You may use whatever resources you would like. Here are some places to start from if you wish.

Total 30 points

Paragraph 1 10points

Paragraph 2 10points

Pictures 5 points

Layout 5 points

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20 Predictions for 2011

Final Assignment - Technology in Education

For the final assignment we will again be using our websites.

On our site we will evaluate and recommend one technology (hardware / software / both) that you determine could be beneficial to education.

You need to keep in mind the following factors: cost, lifespan, ease of use, ease of integration, usefulness, accessibility for everyone, and relevancy.

Please include photos of this technology. Also look for videos of this technology in use and embed them within your page.

Please create a brand new page with a link in your sidebar called "Technology in Education"