Intro to HTML

Post date: Sep 26, 2012 11:18:19 PM

Programming 11

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

H yper

T ext

M arkup

L anguage



You may have heard the expression "hyper" in describing someone. In simplest terms, it means active, kind of "all over the place". The word "Hyper" as part of HTML is similar in context. It simply means that when you are on the internet using a browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer, you can in fact, go "all over the place". In browsing through the World Wide Web (WWW), if you see something you like, you can go immediately to it. There is no set order to do things in. Hyper is the opposite of "linear". Linear means that there is a certain order you must follow such as "you must do this before you can do that". Programming languages such as Java and C++ are linear. HTML does not hold to that and allows you to jump to any page on the WWW and at any time. Thus the word HYPER refers to the idea that the text in HTML is not linear.


We are working with text only files. These can be edited on any basic text editor like Notepad on a PC.


"Markup" comes from the fact that in order to create web pages, we will be typing in the text and then "marking up" the text. If you are familiar with Microsoft Word, consider this example. Suppose you just typed a document in Word. If you choose REVEAL CODES from the VIEW menu, the monitor screen or Window splits into two parts. The top half of the screen shows the text you typed in and the bottom half shows the same text but with the words marked up with "codes" or "tags". For example, suppose you typed the following three lines in Word:

Hi, this is bold

This is italics

These words are centered


"Language" means that we are using a language with all its syntax. Note that HTML is not a programming language such as Java or C++. These are linear programming languages and are based on a whole different set of rules and are far more complicated to learn. The HTML language is easy to learn (trust me).

So HTML is the basic language for creating web pages on a website.



HTML Intro Tutorial

DO - Let's get started

1. Make a folder in your 130-Student account called Your Name Site 1

2. Open up Notepad and create a file called page1.html

3. Begin lesson 1 of the tutorial

Advanced HTML

Programming 12

Do some quick review of HTML coding here: HTML Review

Move on to some more advanced coding here: HTML Advanced

Complete a yourname.html document and include some examples of these features in your webpage:

1. Ordered List (HTML Review)

2. Definition List (HTML Review)

3. Put your name, date and include a Copyright symbol at the bottom of the page (HTML Advanced)

4. Insert an image with text flowing around the image (HTML Advanced)

5. 2 column table with coloured cells (HTML Advanced)

Let's begin now to look at some Basic HTML Tags