Camera Shots Assignment

To demonstrate your understanding of camera shots, you will be creating a visual glossary of the camera shots and angles that we studied here on our Camera Shots Page

You task will be to demonstrate each type of camera shots and label it by applying text to the shot in iMovie.

Each shot should last for 5-10 seconds. 11 shots and angles in total. The total length of finished film should be be around 60-90 second mark.

Your title page should introduce the activity called "Camera Shots Assignment" and list the group members.

i.e. Camera Shots Assignment - Film 11 - Created by: Joan, Jane, and Steve

Work in groups of 2 (minimum) - 4 (Maximum)

Here is a brief example of what I am looking for:

Due by the end of class on Thursday.

Here are some photo examples but use the Camera Shots Page as your official resource.