Gym Membership

Gym Member (Mastery Level)

A local fitness club needs to model the attributes and behaviors of their

club members. Write a class called Member.

Include appropriate comments for each class element.

Here are the relevant attributes of a Member object. These must be the ONLY fields in your

class. All the attributes must be passed to the object constructor and initialized in the constructor.

· first name

· last name

· height (inches)

· weight (pounds)

· year of birth

· year of joining the club

· current year

Here are some of the behaviors of a Member object. Each of these is a method that returns the

specified information when it is invoked.

· getFullName returns the member’s full name, e.g. “Joe Smith”

· getHeightInches returns the member’s height

· getWeightPounds returns the member’s weight

· calculateYearsJoined returns the number of years the person has been a member

· calculateAge returns the calculated age of the member

· calculateAgeAtJoining returns the age the member was when they joined

· getsDiscount returns true if the member qualifies for a discount.

People who qualify for a discount are either:

- under the age of 12 and members for at least two years

- at least 65 years of age

- members for at least 10 years

Helpful Resources

How to write If statements

Video: more on if / else statements in BlueJ