Lochend House

Overlooking Johnston Loch on the northern side , Lochend House is known to many locals as the "White House on the Hill" or "That White House on the Loch".

HELLER, J., ornamental glass cutter, beveller, and

silverer, 20 Renfrew court; res. Lochend House,

Gartcosh (1904?)

Excerpt showing early occupant of Lochend House and his trade.

Our member, Anne Laing remembers " The house used to belong to a family called Kirby. They had a nursery with lots of glasshouses where they grew plants and vegetables. They had a shop in Dundas Place in Glasgow. I remember going with my father to buy plantsetc. from there in 1932 or'33. Later, into the 1950's my Mum still bought from there."

It is believed Dundas Place was demolished in the early 1970's.

Other reports remember the house being owned by a Mr Smith, a coal merchant, around the 1980's.