Part A The Jagungal Wilderness

Part A:

The Kerries and Brassy Mountains of Kosciuszko National Park

Information on backcountry ski tours are being prepared for five regions of Kosciuszko National Park. This second draft covering the Kerries, Brassy Mountains, Toolong and Munyang ranges has been released for comments. The map below provides an overview of the routes that are covered.

Download the files below to access a free version of the book, GPX files and list of waypoints.

If you wish to use part of the contents of this book or to provide comments, you can get in touch with me at: I will acknowledge all contributors to the revised version.

JUNE 10 2020 UPDATE: The bridge from Guthega Power Station leading to the start of Disappointment Spur fire trail has been damaged and removed. The creek crossing can be dangerous in flood conditions.