Tara of the Oracles

Pele, Brigid & Yemaya as the Three Fates, by Olivia Robertson

© Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central site, Isis House Publishing

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

These rites may be used as an alternate for the Spiral of Adepti, in place of the rituals from "Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess."

Please click on the links below to view the Introduction and Two Rites for each Portal of the Temple of the Zodiac

Introduction to Zodiac Portals & Rites

Rite 1. The Golden Ball

Rite 2. The Choice

I. Portal of Aries: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Magician

Rite 2. The Enchantress

II. Portal of Taurus: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. Through Her Veil

Rite 2. Tell Me Fair and Tell Me True

III. Portal of Gemini: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. Wheels within Wheels

Rite 2. White Sun, Black Twin

IV. Portal of Cancer: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Victory

Rite 2. Kwan Yin and Her Jade Dragon

V. Portal of Leo: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Golden Rule

Rite 2. Hidden Love

VI. Portal of Virgo: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. Venus in the Depths

Rite 2. Creation Comes From Two

VII. Portal of Libra: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. Outspread Wings

Rite 2. The Crystal Skull

VIII. Portal of Scorpio: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Decision

Rite 2. The Heart of the Matrix

IX. Portal of Sagittarius: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Three Seeds within the Lotus

Rite 2. Transformation

X. Portal to Capricorn: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Fortune Tellers

Rite 2. A New Judge Has Come

XI. Portal to Aquarius: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Cosmic Cauldron

Rite 2. The Goddess of Aquarius is Here

XII. Portal to Pisces: Introduction & Rites

Rite 1. The Dark Goddess of a Myriad Stars

Rite 2. The Concourse of Prophets

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