Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess

Cover of Panthea, first edition, 1988.

Cover of Panthea, Neptune Press edition reprinted for Cesara Publications, 1996

Please click on the links below to view the Introduction and Individual Rites

Introduction to Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess

Part I. The Tiamat Spiral. Four Basic Initiations

Rite 1. Alma Mater. The Homing of Children

Rite 2. Flamma Vestae. Initiation into a Fellowship of Isis Iseum

Rite 3. Porta Mystica. The Soul Enters New Spheres

Rite 4. Dulce Domum. The Soul Returns Home

Part II. The Star of Ishtar. Eight Seasonal Rites

Rite 5. Festival of the Hydrophoria, 1st - 2nd February

Rite 6. The Athenaea, 21st - 24th March

Rite 7. Festival of Wesak, 1st - 2nd May

Rite 8. Festival of Astarte and Adonis, 21st - 24th June

Rite 9. Festival of Opet, 23rd July - 3rd August

Rite 10. The Eleusinian Mysteries, 22nd September - 1st October

Rite 11. Communion with the World of Spirits, 31st October - 2nd November

Rite 12. The Tree of Life, 21st - 25th December

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Thanks to Rt. Rev. Michael Artonn Starsheen for loaning his first edition copy of "Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess" to the FOIC website staff. This generous act greatly aided our work for the FOI Liturgy Project and Project O.S.I.R.I.S.