Dea Rite 1. Dedication of a Shrine to Isis

Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

Dedication of a Shrine to Isis

Ritual No. 1


Invocation: Divine Isis, Goddess of Ten Thousand Names, I invoke your Grace. The Gods above adore You, the Gods below do homage to You: You set the orb of heaven spinning above the poles, You give light to the sun, You govern the universe. At Your voice, the spirits of earth rejoice, the elements obey. At Your nod the winds blow, clouds drop wholesome rain upon the earth, seeds quicken, buds swell. Birds that fly through the air, beasts that prowl on the mountain, serpents that lurk in the dust, all these tremble in single awe of You. Come to our temple, oh Goddess: dwell in our shrine: make our hearth Your altar: our hearts Your home.

Oracle through a Priestess of Isis

As a rambling rose grows upon cottage and temple walls, so like a rose does heart join with heart within My all-embracing Love. For the Love of the Mother penetrates through all spheres: the hearts of every creature, each plant, every atom. Where there is heart there is life. There are no beings that can be lost, however far they may have strayed from Eternal Reality, deceived by the phantasmagoria of many existences. For, when lost in delusion the soul calls on the Mother, source of its existence: and this call is never made in vain. For when Free Will is lost, the soul is not lost, but rather is found, saved not by its virtue but by the grace of the Mother.

So make a shrine to Me in a temple: a room or in a comer of a room. So shall your outer observance be a sign that you accept My grace. Wherever a Devotee places My picture, My statue, two candles, incense and a cup of water, there shall I dwell. There shall Joy, Health and Abundance be the gifts of My eternal Love.

If there is no room set aside for a shrine, it may be in the Devotee's bedroom or sitting-room. The hallowed objects may be kept in a chest. On the altar, which may be a table or shelf, let there be placed a picture or image of the Goddess. On either side let there be placed two candles. On the altar let there be placed a vessel of water, a scarab, amber, turquoise or a stone. Let incense sticks or incense be smoking and the candles lighted. If there be a group of Participants, these may share in the offering of the elements.

Devotee: Holiest of the Holy, Great Goddess Isis, perpetual comfort of mankind, Thou whose beautiful grace nourishes the whole world, Whose heart turns towards all those in sorrow and tribulation, as a mother's to her children we invoke Thy grace. Hallow this shrine with Thy protecting wings that bringeth shade to the weary of heart, jubilation to the distressed and rest to sufferers. Bring vision and healing to those who use this shrine, Thou Who with Thy breath bringeth the dead to life: Thou friend of Thoth Who art excellent in tongue, bring us Thy wisdom: unveil Thy Truth.

Devotee holds one hand over the vessel of water then lifts it before the altar and sprinkles water upon the scarab or stone.

Devotee: Accept, oh Goddess, this water. May serene emotion reflect the divine purpose. So may this shrine be hallowed by Thy Mirror.

Devotee offers incense before the altar until the smoke rises.

Devotee: Accept, oh Goddess, this incense. May Will play its true part in Thy divine plan. So may this shrine be made alive by the inner fire of Thy Throne. Thanks is given to Isis that this shrine is hallowed by Her grace.

Devotee places some water in a circle on the brow.

Devotee: May inspiration now be bestowed.

Here follows the silence. Devotee may sit before the altar and visualise a still pool of lilies. Above is a sky with the remaining stars of night. On the left is the rising sun, on the right the setting full moon. In front is the Star of Isis, Sirius. Behind is the Pole Star. The devotee experiences communion with the Goddess. After the silence the visualised scene is allowed to fade. Now the devotee sends forth healing. Devotee stands.

Devotee: Deathless Saviour, many-named, mightiest Isis, saving from war, cities and all their citizens, men, their wives, and children as many as are bound fast in prison, in the power of death, as many as are in pain through long, anguished, sleepless nights: all who are wanderers in a foreign land: all these are saved if they pray that Thou be present to help. Hear my prayer. One whose Name has great power; prove Thy Self merciful to me and for whom I pray; and free us from all distress. (Devotee names those who need healing. Lifts up hands) "In the Name of Isis may all beings be blessed: the Sidhe and humans; animals and birds; reptiles, fish, insects; trees and plants and every element." (folds hands)

Devotee sprinkles water on the ground.

Devotee: Isis, we thank Thee that all who pray to Thee quickly attain Thy ever-lasting life. Joyful after Thy Rite, we return to earthly living, filled with the sense of blessedness that ever proceeds from Thee.

Devotee blows out candles and places water on the brow in reverse circle. The hallowed water may be kept for vision and healing.

This rite may in simple form be used daily or for regular groups. Even a few moments of the silence with the aid of vision may bring communion with the Goddess and harmony with her friends.

Sources: The invocation is taken from a text found among old religious artifacts in Cuming Museum of London History, Walworth Rood, Southwark. Remains of an ancient temple to Isis were found in London. Text and information supplied by Ruth Wynn-Owen. The dedication prayer was taken from a Hymn to Osiris engraved during the Egyptian XVIII dynasty, from Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, “Goddesses of Chaldea, Syria and Egypt”, Cesara Publications, Clonegal Castle, Clonegal, Ireland, 1975. The remaining texts were adapted from prayers and hymns of Isidorus, of the Augustan Era, translated by Vera F. Vanderlip, (“The Four Greek Hymns of Isidorus and the Cult of Isis”, American Studies in Papyrology, Vol. XII, A. M. Hakkert Ltd., Toronto, 1972). Opening Invocation, Apuleius, Priest Initiate of Isis, “"The Golden Ass”, Lucius Apuleius, new translation by Robert Graves, (from a translation by William Adlington, 16th century), Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, UK, 1950.

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