Athena Chapter 8: Part 1: The Goddess Cleito of Atlantis

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Athena - Arcadian Awakening

Alchemical Rite

8. The Azores: Spirals of Perception

Part I. The Narration: The Goddess Cleito of Atlantis

“To Live Without Vision is to be Blind to One's Soul”

Host in the Azores is Oisin Manuele

Scene: his garden by the sea


Path Guide: Elaine

Helper: Aiden

Oracle: Deirdre of the Visions

All are of the Priesthood of Alchemy

Temple of Arts and Alchemy

Aiden: “It is very kind of you to invite us to this lovely castle by the sea with its private beach. You have everything here to awaken your psychic faculties. One could see anything here! Why do you require the urgent assistance of The Fellowship of Isis?

Oisin: “Because you stand for everything that my family fears.

Elaine: “It sounds intriguing. Please be more specific. Let us have your Narration.”

Oisin: “You will be moved by its tragic note, accompanied by the moaning of the sea. My father was an Irish aristocrat, who bought this castle as a basis for his life’s work, discovering the lost island of Atlantis. He married a peasant girl in our local fishing village, and this was his and my undoing. For he aspired to the stars: She wished to be a successful business executive. She had thought of emigrating to the States, but my father turned up in the nick of time. At first they got on reasonably well. I was born, but what seemed a blessing – proved a bitter source of contention. He insisted on calling me “Oisin”, the Irish hero who was enticed to the Many-Coloured land across the ocean by a faery. My mother added “Manuele” after a local millionaire, who became my Godfather. My father dreamed that I could revive the Irish branch of the Order of the Golden Dawn, and become a poet like Yeats, an artist like AE, the Bard of Eire. My mother planned on creating a fishing subsidiary, part of an American company that specialised in tinned factory salmon. Horrible, imprisoning fish and destroying their ancient life cycle culminating in this ocean.

Finally tragedy struck. My father was drowned during an exploration of a stone wall under the sea that he hoped was a part of the lost city of Poseidonis. My mother found he had lost his whole fortune with his expeditions and the publication of a splendid book with coloured illustrations, “The Lost Atlantis Revived.” But instead of Atlantis rising from the sea, my father’s coffin is lying beneath the ocean, martyr to The Cause. I can show you a photograph of The Submerged Wall that he used in his book. I added a tribute to my father in a new edition which I have produced on the Internet.”

Elaine: “You seem all set to follow in your father’s footsteps. How can we help?

Oisin: “By awakening my psychic vision. Surely I should have clairaudience and clairvision like my father. They say that the Irish have these gifts. But I have tried every means – to no avail. I have sat in dark rooms trying to see the aura around everything. Not a glimpse. I have sat in the lotus position gazing into the depths. I cannot see even one nymph – the Goddess Cleito’s Atlantean offspring. Salamanders elude me in the flames of my beach fire. I am forced to earn my living in the Civil Service in a job my Godfather got for me – nepotism! But I need to live in order to fulfil my dream. I want, like AE, to see the Gods and Goddesses. I wish to live in the world beyond ours in the eternal Land of Everlasting Youth.”

Elaine: “You put the blame on your mother and on your Godfather. But you yourself block your soul, gifts inherited from your father. You yourself are your own gaoler in a material cell.

Oisin: “What am I to do? How do I block my visions?”

Elaine: “You do not in the first place block your soul. It is done for you at the very moment of birth.”

Aiden: “Who can blame parents training their children to fit in with religions, historical and national custom? Very small babies are put under perpetual, loving pressure to be “normal.” Apart from the obvious potty training, every move a baby makes is conditioned. They even now extend this to ‘mentally challenged’ babies who may be aborted before they are born. The mothers make sure their babies have the right physique – and are taught acceptable behaviour. A mother used to submit to ministry of the clergy – but this has given way to the autocracy of the doctor. A problem is that what is regarded as abnormal and to be rejected – changes. So the child with spiritual genius is regarded as unbalanced, and to be rendered harmless, sedated with a drug now given to about 70 million children that can even cause death. At least baptismal water was physically harmless!

The most powerful weapon used by well-wishers on the rising generation is within everyone – a desire to please OTHERS. If this fails, violence follows. And the present norm is to be clever, practical, and not to ‘hallucinate’. Any form of psychism is treated as an abnormality.”

Oisin: “I am beginning to see. We Bohemians pretend that we don’t care what people think. We do. All our so-called eccentricity is aimed at impressing the public – we need a public to impress! What must I do to unblock?”

Aiden: “You need continual moral courage. The essence of Alchemy is to find the hidden gold within yourself. Then what you experience will bring wider vision, which is the birthright of us all. You will no longer try to impress others. You will even endure being laughed at!

Oisin: “Somehow I feel hopeful. I feel a tingling all over my body. I can see a pale light round Deirdre! She seems to be asleep.

Deirdre: “I feel the Presence of Cleito of Atlantis. We can bring Oisin through the mystic doorway, where he may find the Golden Apples of the Sun, fruit of Atlantis.”

Elaine: “Deirdre, I see you are entering trance. Oisin, we may start you on your journey to your lost Atlantis straight away, here by the sea. I shall be your Path Guide. All you need to do is to lie on the strand, and listen to the sea birds as they fly over the ocean towards the horizon.”

Please continue to Part 2. The Risen Atlantis

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