你還有連接到你的遊戲上的形象,所有當前與即將出現的議題、地點形象以及任何你放在你的戰役活動中的人物上的形象。 運用那些有助於加強世界一致與動態的感覺,並讓你的遊戲的核心前提在遊玩中展露出來。
- 你有「」形象,這意味著「」(順便說一下,這可能是一長串的事情)。正因為如此,「」很可能是你的一個大困境。
- 誰可能因為該形象而與該角色發生困境?
- 該形象是否對該角色點出一個潛在威脅?
- 該形象是否為該角色描述出可能導致麻煩的人脈或人際關係?
- 該形象是否說出了可能回來困擾該角色的背景故事元素?
- 該形象是否描述了對該角色非常重要的某事或某人而你可以用來威脅?
Put a Face on It
Cynere has Infamous Girl With Sword, which implies that her
reputation precedes her across the countryside. Because of that,
a copycat committing crimes in her name and getting the inhabitants
of the next city she visits angry and murderous would
probably be a big problem for her.
Landon has an aspect of I Owe Old Finn Everything, which
implies that he’d feel obligated to help Finn out with any personal
problems. Because of that, having to bail Finn’s son out
of a gambling debt he owes to some very nasty people would
probably be a big problem for him.
Zird has Rivals in the Collegia Arcana, which implies that
some or many of them are scheming against him constantly.
Because of that, a series of concentrated assassination attempts
from someone or several people who know how to get past all
his magical defenses would probably be a big problem for him.
- 由於「」是一個議題,這意味著「」。因此,「」可能會對玩家角色造成一個大困境。
- 這議題對玩家角色呈現了什麼威脅?
- 誰是議題背後的黑手,以及他們會打算去搞亂什麼來推動他們想做的事?
- 還有誰關心這議題的處理,以及他們的「解決方案」如何對玩家角色有害?
- 對於解決議題來說好的下一步是什麼,又是什麼讓完成這一步變得困難?
Because The Scar Triad is an issue, it implies that the Triad is
making a serious power play across the land. Therefore, a complete
government takeover by Triad members in the city they’re
sent to on their next job would probably create a big problem
for the PCs.
Because The Doom that Is to Come is an issue, it implies that
agents of the Cult of Tranquility are constantly trying to fulfill
parts of the ancient prophecies that foretell the doom. Therefore,
a series of ritual murders in the next town meant to awaken
an ancient demon that sleeps under the town would probably
create a big problem for the PCs.
Because the Cult of Tranquility’s Two Conflicting Prophecies
is an issue, it implies that there’s an internal Cult struggle to validate
one prophecy as being definitive. Therefore, an all-out war
between rival factions in the next town that brings innocents into
the crossfire would probably create a big problem for the PCs.
- 由於「」有「」形象和「」有「」形象,它意味著「」。因此,「」很可能是他們的一個大困境。
- 兩個形象是否讓這些角色有矛盾或是衝突點?
- 有沒有一種特殊的困境或煩惱是兩者都可能因為該形象而進入的?
- 是否一個角色的人際關係或人脈有可能成為其他人的困境?
- 是否該形象指出可以與目前的故事相交的背景故事元素?
- 是否有因為該形象而讓一個玩家角色的幸運成為其他人的不幸的方式?
Because Landon is a Disciple of the Ivory Shroud, and Zird
has Rivals in the Collegia Arcana, it implies that both factions
could occasionally cross paths and have incompatible agendas.
Therefore, a mandate from the monks of a local Shroud monastery
to capture or kill the members of a local Collegia chapterhouse
for an unknown slight would probably be a big problem
for them.
Because Cynere is Tempted by Shiny Things, and Landon has
The Manners of a Goat, it implies that they’re probably the worst
partners for any kind of undercover heist. Therefore, a contract
to infiltrate the Royal Ball of Ictherya with no backup and walk
out with the Crown Jewels on behalf of a neighboring kingdom
would probably be a big problem for them.
Because Zird has If I Haven’t Been There, I’ve Read About It,
and Cynere is the Secret Sister of Barathar, it implies that proof
of Cynere’s true heritage could one day fall into Zird’s hands.
Therefore, the unexpected arrival of a genealogical document in
code that Barathar and her henchies seek to recover at all costs
would probably be a big problem for them.
- 因為你有「」形象而「」是一個議題,這意味著「」。因此,「」很可能是你的一個大困境。
- 這個議題是否對玩家角色的任何人際關係構成了威脅?
- 是否要解決議題的下一步會因為特定角色的形象而影響了他本人?
- 是否有因特定原因與議題相關的某人因為該形象而將玩家角色視為目標?
Because Cynere is the Secret Sister of Barathar and The Scar Triad is an issue, it implies that the Triad could have leverage over Cynere for blackmail. Therefore, the Triad hiring her for an extremely dangerous and morally reprehensible job on the threat of revealing her secret to the world and making her a public enemy across the land would probably be a big problem for her.
Because Zird has If I Haven’t Been There, I’ve Read About It, and the Cult of Tranquility’s Two Conflicting Prophecies are an issue, it implies that Zird could be the key to figuring out which of the prophecies is legitimate. Therefore, getting approached by the Primarch to learn the Rites of Tranquility and figure out the truth of the prophecy, and thus becoming a target for manipulation from both major factions, would probably be a big problem for him.
Because Landon has An Eye for an Eye, and The Doom that Is to Come is an issue, it implies that anything the Cult does to Landon’s loved ones would be met with a desire for vengeance. Therefore, an attack on his hometown by Cult agents on the prowl for more indoctrinated servants as preparation for the End Times would probably be a big problem for him.