- 交換任兩個技能的評等,或是以一個不在你角色表上的技能替換一個一般(+1)技能。
- 將一個特技改為任何一個特技。
- 購買新的特技,只要你的重振值許可。(請記住,你的重振值不能低於一。)
- 為一個角色形象重新命名,只要它不是你的核心概念。
Cynere gets a minor milestone. Lily looks over her character
sheet, to see if there’s anything she wants to change. One thing
that sticks out to her is that during the last session, Zird has been
scheming behind her back a lot and putting her in a bad position.
She looks over at Ryan and says, “You know what? I have this
aspect, I’ve Got Zird’s Back. I think I need to change that in
light of current circumstances, and call it, I Know Zird is Up to
Ryan says, “Seriously? I mean, it’s not like he does it all the
Lily grins. “Well, when he stops, I can change it back.”
Amanda approves the change, and Lily rewrites one of
Cynere’s aspects.
Meanwhile, Landon also gets a minor milestone. Lenny looks
over his sheet, and notices that he spends a lot more time lying
to people than he does trying to make friends with them. He asks
Amanda if he can swap the ranks of his Deceive and his Rapport
skill, giving him Good (+3) Deceive and Fair (+2) Rapport. She
agrees, and he notes the new skill totals on his character sheet.
- 一個額外的技能點,你可以用來購買一個一般(+1)評等的新技能或是將一項現有的技能提高一個等級。
- 如果你有任何嚴重後果,你可以重新命名他們以開始恢復的過程,如果你還沒這樣做。
Zird gets a significant milestone after the end of a scenario. He
gains an additional skill point.
Ryan looks at his character sheet, and decides he wants to take
his Notice up from Fair (+2) to Good (+3). He knows that’s going
to screw him up with the rules, though, so instead, he decides
to take Resources at Average (+1)—the PCs have been on a few
lucrative adventures lately, and he figures that’s his opportunity
to create a sense of stable wealth.
If he waits two more milestones, he’ll be able to put one of his
Average skills at Fair (+2), and then bump his Notice up to Good
(+3) like he originally wanted.
He also has the opportunity to take one of the benefits from
a minor milestone. He has been in a lot of fights this game so
far, and feels like his Not the Face! is getting old, considering
the number of times his character
has been hit in the face. He
replaces it with Hit Me, and There
Will Be Consequences, to reflect
his changing attitude about the
violence he encounters.
GMs, strictly enforcing how
the skills work can be a pain in
the ass sometimes. If you and
the players really want to be
able to upgrade a certain skill
in a way that breaks the rules
now, simply ask that the player
spend the next few milestones
“correcting” their skill spread,
rather than making them wait.
It’s okay. We won’t come after
- 如果你有一個極端後果,將其重新命名以反映你度過最破壞性的影響。這使你在未來可以承受另一個極端後果,如果你願意。
- 得到額外的重振點數,這可以讓你馬上去購買一個新的特技,或保留它讓自己在聚會開始時有更多的命運點數。
- 提昇技能到超越戰役當前的技能上限,如果你還可以增加技能上限。
- 重新命名你角色的核心概念,如果你願意。
Cynere reaches the end of a long story arc and is awarded a
major milestone. In the game, the PCs have just accomplished
the overthrow of Barathar, Smuggler Queen of the Sindral Reach,
which leaves an enormous power vacuum in the game world.
Lily looks at her character sheet. She took an extreme consequence
in the past arc of scenarios, and allowed one of her
aspects to get replaced with the aspect Soul-Burned by the
Demon Arc’yeth. She now has the opportunity to rename that
aspect again, and she decides to call it I Must Kill Arc’yeth’s
Kind—she hasn’t quite escaped the scars of the experience,
but it’s better than where she was, given that her aims are now
She also gets an additional point of refresh. She asks Amanda
whether or not she can turn her experience with Arc’yeth into
something that will allow her to fight demons in the future.
Amanda sees no reason to object, and Lily decides to buy a stunt
on the spot.
“Demon-Slayer: +2 to the use of the Warmaster stunt, when she
chooses to use it against any demon or any demonic servitor.”
Lily records the new stunt on Cynere’s character sheet, and
rewrites the appropriate aspect.
Zird the Arcane also gets a major milestone. Ryan looks over his
character sheet, and realizes that he’s in a position to advance his
peak skill, Lore, to Superb (+5). He does so, and Amanda makes
a note that she needs to make any wizardly enemies Zird might
encounter that much more powerful, just to get his attention.
Finally, Landon also reaches a major milestone. Recently in the
plot, Landon discovered that the Ivory Shroud was much more
than a martial arts society—they’ve been secret political movers
and shakers for a long time, and recently supported Barathar in
her efforts to control the Reach.
In response to this, Lenny decides to alter his high concept
slightly to Former Ivory Shroud Disciple, indicating his desire
to distance himself from the order. Amanda tells him that the
Shroud isn’t going to take his defection well.
So we have Cynere with a new appetite for killing demons, Zird
reaching a heretofore unseen level of power, and Landon questioning
his loyalty to his only real source of discipline. Amanda
makes a lot of notes about what this means for the next few
Back to Character Creation
One way of looking at a major milestone is that it’s the equivalent
of a season finale in a television show. Once you start the next session,
a lot of things have the potential to be fundamentally different
about your game—you might be focused on new problems, several
characters will have aspects changed, there will be new threats in
the setting, and so on.
When that happens, you might decide that it’s a worthwhile endeavor
to take a session to sit down like you did at character creation
and review all the PCs again, altering or adjusting anything
that seems like it might need revision—new skill configurations, a
new set of stunts, more changes to aspects, etc. You may also want
to examine the issues in your game and make sure they’re still appropriate,
revise location aspects, or anything else that seems necessary
to move your game forward.
So long as you keep them at the same level of refresh and skill
points they had, reconvening like this might be exactly what you
need to make sure everyone’s still on the same page about the
game. And GMs, remember—the more you give the players a chance
to actively invest in the game world, the more it’ll pay off for you
when you’re running the game.