Plan Audiovisual /Audiovisual Plan

Si queremos preparar a nuestros alumnos para que diseñen sus robots del futuro , hay que conocer los lenguajes, matemáticos, el dibujo técnico, los lenguajes de las ciencias...

  • Para ello tomamos en consideración la


Opening up Education:Innovative teaching and learning for all through new Technologies and OpenEducational Resources {SWD(2013) 341 final}

1. Open Learning Environments: opportunities to innovate for organisations, teachers and learners

1.1 Innovative organisations

Education and training institutions need to review their organisational strategies.All educational institutions need to improve their capacity to adapt, promote innovation andexploit the potential of technologies and digital content. In effect, however, institutional strategies tend to oppose openness to education that ICT provides.

  • Y revisamos el curriculo para profesores que nos propone la UNESCO

" is specifically designed with teachers in mind and for integration into the formal teacher education system, thus launching a catalytic process which should reach and build capacities of millions of young people..."

........Jänis KärKlins

Assistant Director-General

Communication and Information



Desde Cero en Conducta consideramos fundamental la introducción de los lenguajes audiovisuales en las aulas.

Para ello, llevamos ya varios años imuplsando e investigando cómo mejorar esa implementación o más bien cómo hacerla real. Cuando ya no se hable de ellos será cuando los lenguajes sean mil en los niños.

Loris Malaguzzi ya nos hablaba de los 100 lenguajes de los niños

The Hundred Languages of Childhood

The child

is made of one hundred.

The child has

A hundred languages

A hundred hands

A hundred thoughts

A hundred ways of thinking

Of playing, of speaking.

A hundred always a hundred

Ways of listening of marveling of loving

A hundred joys

For singing and understanding

A hundred worlds

To discover

A hundred worlds

To invent

A hundred worlds

To dream

The child has

A hundred languages

(and a hundred hundred hundred more)

But they steal ninety-nine.

The school and the culture

Separate the head from the body.

They tell the child;

To think without hands

To do without head

To listen and not to speak

To understand without joy

To love and to marvel

Only at Easter and Christmas

They tell the child:

To discover the world already there

And of the hundred

They steal ninety-nine.

They tell the child:

That work and play

Reality and fantasy

Science and imagination

Sky and earth

Reason and dream

Are things

That do not belong together

And thus they tell the child

That the hundred is not there

The child says: NO WAY the hundred is there--

-Loris Malaguzzi

Founder of the Reggio Approach

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, says:

"It's European Robotics Week time again, a time of the year we look forward to. This is a great opportunity for people throughout Europe to meet and interact with robots, an opportunity for researchers to showcase their work, an opportunity for all of us to have a glimpse how science can be creative, helpful and fun"