
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, says:

"It's European Robotics Week time again, a time of the year we look forward to. This is a great opportunity for people throughout Europe to meet and interact with robots, an opportunity for researchers to showcase their work, an opportunity for all of us to have a glimpse how science can be creative, helpful and fun"

The European Robotics Week can also be found on



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"A partir de ahora no viajaré más que en sueños"

Julio Verne

European Robotics Week 2013 will be from 25 November to 1 December 2013.

About the Week

The European Robotics Week offers one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas. The Week aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM-related fields, i.e. science, technology, engineering and math.

There is a lot going on in Europe during the European Robotics Week: school visits with lectures on robotics, guided tours for pupils, open labs, exhibitions, challenges, robots in action on public squares…. The participating companies, universities and research centres come up with interesting programs to bring their robots and organisations to the attention of the public educating them on how robotics impacts society, both now and in the future.

It's time to show the general public what robotics is all about

and what important role robots play in Europe!

Si no sueñas ciencia, nadie podrá esculpir tus sueños.

Acerca de la SEMANA de la ROBÓTICA en el proyecto educativo.

Desde la red social de profesores y profesionales del sector,Cero en Conducta, se impulsa el uso del Lenguaje Audiovisual y la Ciencia en España y en hispanohablantes.

  • Sensibilizar al mundo educativo acerca de la influencia que tiene, en nuestras vidas cotidianas, la investigación y el desarrollo de la Robótica
  • Poder dar visibilidad al trabajo de muchos profesores y alumnos que , desde hace años, están llevando a las aulas el mundo de la robótica
  • Abrir líneas de ciencia ficción que ayuden a nuestros alumnos a expresarse con corrección inventando y argumentando un futuro al estilo de Julio Verne

Agradecemos a los organizadores la posibilidad que nos han brindado para :

Estos son los eventos que habrá en Europa en la semana de la Robótica

Estos son los de España

En España,POR PRIMERA VEZ, puedes encontrar lo que se hace en la educación formal y no formal en relación a la ROBÓTICA y a los sueños con la ciencia robótica educativos/education

Los profesores y los alumnos de España soñamos ciencia porque queremos seguir diseñando el futuro.

Dear National Coordinators and Supporters of the European Robotics Week,

We would like to bring to your attention a pioneer initiative of a group of Spanish teachers and education professionals (the social network Cero en Conducta) who have joined the European Robotics Week 2013 aiming to show the public and the research community their work and activities in robotics with kids from 5 to 100 years young

During the Week, they will organise activities using creative writing, audiovisual plans, competitions, workshops, focused discussions around specific topics, involving primary and secondary school pupils, teachers and parents. Check here the calendar of activities proposed

Furthermore, in order to achieve mid-term social impact, for a whole year, from November 2013 to November 2014, they will continue building on the momentum gained during the ERW13, organising more activities in a creative feedback loop to be reflected and coordinated by Cero en Conducta through this website

The community aims to:

· Raise awareness within the education sector of the influence that robotics research and develoment has in our daily lives

· Give visibility to the work and experimentation many teachers and pupils are doing in robotics

· Open channels for pupils to express themselves and dream and shape their future following the lead of the visionary Julius Verne

From euRobotics and Cero en Conducta we encourage you to participate – using twitter, taking pictures, videos, sharing them, having fun with the family – and we would love to see during the next few months similar initiatives joining in from all of the European countries already participating in the European Robotics Week. Contact details to make this happen here

We truly hope the activities of this group of people inspire and move you and that, taking part of it, we all collaborate to make the raison d’etre of the Week happen: to show the general public what robotics is all about and what important role robots play in Europe and in our future!!!

With best regards,