Poulenc Songs

Voyage à Paris (Guillaume Apollinaire)

Ah! la charmante chose

Quitter un pays morose

Pour Paris

Paris joli

Qu'un jour dût créer l'Amour.

A Trip to Paris

Ah! 'Tis such a charming thing

To head out from a dreary setting

For Paris!

Paris fairest

Which one day Love had to create.


Hôtel (Guillaume Apollinaire)

Ma chambre a la forme d'une cage,

Le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre.

Mais moi qui veux fumer pour faire des mirages

J'allume au feu du jour ma cigarette.

Je ne veux pas travailler - je veux fumer.


My room has become like a cage is,

Through the window the sun casts his net.

But I just want to blow smoke mirages

So with the day's lighter I ignite my cigarette.

To me work's become a joke -- I'd rather smoke.


Rosemonde (Guillaume Apollinaire)

Longtemps au pied du perron de

La maison où entra la dame

Que j’avais suivie pendant deux

Bonnes heures à Amsterdam

Mes doigts jetèrent des baisers

Mais le canal était désert

Le quai aussi et nul ne vit

Comment mes baisers retrouvèrent

Celle à qui j’ai donné ma vie

Un jour pendant plus de deux heures

Je la surnommai Rosemonde

Voulant pouvoir me rappeler

Sa bouche fleurie en Hollande

Puis lentement je m’allai

Pour quêter la rose du monde


Ling'ring at the steps leading up to

The house wherein went the ma'am

Whom lately I'd followed for two

Happy hours though Amsterdam

While my fingers flung kisses

Since the canal was deserted

As were its banks no one could see

Just how my kisses overtook

Her whom my life I'd bequeath'd

That day for more than two hours

So Rosamond 's the nickname I chose

With the hope of remembering

How in Holland her lips like flowers grow

Then slowly I departed

To seek out the world's own rose


Mazurka (English translation of a 1949 French poem Louise de Vilmorin)

The bejeweled décolletée

And bright suns on ceilings,

The opaline frocks,

Mirrors and violins:

They go like so--go, go, go.

Out of hands tumbles a brooch,

A brooch that's just an excuse

Out of the hands of maidens

That vanish and go:

They go like so--go, go, go.

With a glance that will settle

With a wrinkle on the brow

Either fine weather or rain,

And with a roguish sigh

They go like so--go, go, go.

The ball's a frenzied tempest

Or else demure and footloose,

Just listen to each fickle one

Saying yes, saying no:

They go like so--go, go, go.

In this uncertain dance

The steps don't really matter.

Oh! The soft steps of discretion

Are puzzling silences to those

Who go like so--go, go, go.

A ball is the first place

Where burning fires unite.

When lovers have thus met

The snow melts so:

The snow melts so, so, so.