Berlioz / Gautier : Les nuits d'été (in English translation)

English Versions of Gautier's Poems ©2009, E. Lein - All rights reserved

Upon request, these English versifications may be freely used in program notes for nonprofit purposes,

such as student recitals, but please give credit and let me know!

These are meant as poetical renderings of the texts (not as exact, word-for-word translations), adapting Gautier's

poetic schemes and the conventions of the time (Berlioz wrote his songs in 1847) as best I could --

but this is not at all meant as a "singable" version to fit Berlioz's music.

CLICK HERE for program notes

Follow links for Janet Baker youtube videos of the songs: #1. (the ending is cut off) | #2. | #3. | #4. | #5. | #6.

Another version of #1 with Anne Sophie von Otter (ending intact)

English versions ©2009 by Edward Lein; all rights reserved. Please notify and credit if reprinting.

English versions ©2009 by Edward Lein; all rights reserved. Please notify and credit if reprinting.

Open those eyelids now closed, Soft-touched by a maiden’s pure dream; I am the ghost of the rose That you wore to the ball yester-even.My belovéd is dead: Evermore will I weep; Within her graveyard bed My soul, my love she’ll keep.Return, return, my own belovéd!

When the new season ventures here, When it drives away the cold wind, Into the woods we shall go, dear, There lilies of the valley to find.

Like a flower longing for sunlight, Thus is my life's flower now fadedFar from thy rosy smile, e'er bright.Knowest thou the tomb of white Whither wafts the sound of sorrow Neath th' yew's shadow? Upon the yew a pale dove lights;Tell me, my dear young thing, Where might you wish to go? The sail unfurls its wing, The breeze begins to blow!