A052 Epistemic radon assessment

Epistemic IAQ assessment approach: Radon level of offices in Hong Kong


Indoor IAQ parameter level could be measured with a number of sampling approaches and used to determine the acceptance of an IAQ with respect to certain exposure limits. In determining the acceptable IAQ of a space, we investigated that the measured indoor parameter level must be accompanied with the confidence levels of the assessment. Parameter levels in Hong Kong offices studied by a cross-sectional measurement in typical offices and a year-round longitudinal measurement in one office were taken as example for discussion and used to quantify the prior knowledge on parameter level distributions of an office and the probable errors of the adopted sampling schemes. The proposed epistemic approach, with the prior knowledge and a sample test result, can be used to assess the acceptance against an action level of an office in Hong Kong. With the certainty of the test results determined for judgmental purposes, it is possible to apply the method to an office for follow-up tests of acceptance.

Further information:

Wong LT, Mui KW, Law KY, Hui PS, 2006. Epistemic assessment of radon level of offices in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 40(8) 1441-1451.