
Design of tank water supply systems in buildings


System friction is a major energy efficiency factor in tank water supply systems. This study uses mass balance to describe the water demand-recovery process and to determine the optimal inflow rate to a water storage tank of a given volume by integrating various water demand time series. Through a tank water supply system supporting 600 residential water closets (WC), this study also demonstrates existing designs that take the probable maximum simultaneous demands as the tank inflow rate are not optimized. To show that system friction losses can be limited without any alterations to existing pipe works, potential energy savings from filling up the water tank are identified and compared with current design practice. The outcome indicates that detailed analysis of water demands in buildings should not be ignored in future designs of tank water supply systems.

Further information:

Wong LT, Mui, KW, Zhou Y, 2014. Design of tank water supply systems in buildings, The 40th CIBW062 International Symposium of Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, 8-10 September, SaoPaulo, Brazil.