B001 Airflow characteristics

Field studies on the performance of mechanical ventilated spaces


The performance of the mechanical ventilation systems for the waiting halls of two railway stations in Hong Kong was studied. Measurement of the air speed induced by the ventilation system at the occupied zone was done. The air speed contours and the turbulence intensity were calculated. The thermal comfort issue was also discussed through the use of the air diffusion performance index ADPI and the percentage dissatisfied PD. Recommendation was made to improve the operation scheme of the systems in order to achieve a more thermally comfortable environment.

Further information:

Chow WK, Wong LT, Fung WY, 1995. Field studies on the performance of mechanical ventilated spaces, Proceedings of Pan Pacific Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Conditioning in Asia, Nagoya, Japan. March 16-18, pp. 89-97.