


高中學生平均每天在教室上課達 8小時,教室環境品質之優劣直接影響學生的學習效率。在台灣, 為提供白天工作之學生有學習的機會,夜校形態的學校相繼產生。然而,白天與夜晚之室外環境條件 差異性大,加上自然通風與空調使用對室內環境品質的影響,因此,本研究將探討各高中教室形態對 室內環境品質及學習效率之影響探討。 本研究於 2012 年 9 月至 11 月針對台灣高中教室進行現場調查,並收集 9 間教室樣本共 272 位學 生。研究發現在自然通風及空調教室中,日、夜校學生之總室內環境品質滿意度均對學習效率具明顯 影響性。當中,音環境對日校學生之學習效率影響性最大(自然通風時 p 值為 0.01,空調教室時 p 值 為 0.008),說明隔音設備為日校教室之重要考慮。照度對夜校學生之學習效率影響最大,因夜校需採 用人工照明,照明環境便成為重要考慮因子之一。在夜校空調教室中,室內環境品質與學習效率具高 顯著性(p 值<0.001),說明夜校教室通風換氣的重要性。

Students’ learning performance is directly affected by the indoor environment quality (IEQ) in a classroom. Due to the long learning time (at least 8 hours per day) of high school students in Taiwan, establishing a fine IEQ classroom is an essential issue nowadays. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the IEQ and the learning performance of day school students and night school students in high school buildings in Taiwan. Field surveys and questionnaires were conducted from September 2012 to November 2012 to obtain the objective physical parameters, subjective questionnaire of environmental sensation and self-report of learning performance. A total of 272 high-school students’ samples in 9 different classrooms were collected. Aural comfort was the main impact factor to the learning performance of day school students in both natural ventilated and air-conditioned classrooms (p=0.01 in NVs and p=0.008 in ACs). Visual comfort was the main impact factor to the learning performance of night school students in natural ventilation classrooms. However, indoor air quality was the strongest impact factor of night school students in air-conditioned classrooms (p<0.001). These results can help providing improvement methods to achieve an optimum environment quality for most students expected

Further information:

林偉豪、李孟杰、王寧添、梅國威,2013. 高中教室環境品質對學習效率之影響──以中台灣為例,綠色科技工程與應用研討會(GTEA),勤益科大,台中市,台灣.