Air quality influence on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients' quality of life (香港室內空氣質素對慢性阻塞性肺病患者的影響研究)


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of death. The relationship between urban air pollution and its short-term health effects on patients suffering from COPD is confirmed. However, information about the impact of air pollutants upon the quality of life (QOL) in patients with COPD is lacking. Through a cross-sectional survey, this study investigates such impact in terms of the scores of the (Chinese) chronic respiratory questionnaire (CCRQ) and the measurements of indoor air quality (IAQ), lung function and Mosers activities of daily living (ADL). Using Yules Q statistic with a cutoff |Q|>0.7 to identify the strong relationships between environmental parameters and CRQ sub-scores, this study reveals that patient emotion is strongly associated with indoor environmental quality although the evidence of a causal relationship between them needs further research. As QOL in patients with COPD and indoor environmental parameters are strongly associated, indoor air pollutants must be monitored for related studies in the future.

屋宇設備工程系,康復治療科學系 (梅國威博士助理教授,王寧添博士副教授,方乃權博士助理教授)

本研究的目的是了解香港室內空氣質素對慢性阻塞性肺病患者健康及其生活質素的影響。本研究分別在夏季及冬季家訪41 位患者兩次及進行有關測試。測試包括兩個部份:第一部份為肺功能檢查和健康及生活質素評估;第二部份是家居環境評估,測試家居環境室內及附近之室外環境空氣質素,包括量度溫度,濕度,空氣樣本中二氧化碳,一氧化碳,二氧化硫,嗅氧,氮氣,不同大小的可吸入懸浮粒子,細菌及真菌含量。結果顯示,在冬季,本港一氧化碳,嗅氧,二氧化硫,細微的可吸入懸浮粒子及真菌含量較高,在夏季,溫度及濕度較高,但患者家居空氣質素在兩季之間的變化並不明顯;患者家居環境細微的可吸入懸浮粒子明顯較室外低。本研究發現,室內空氣質素沒有顯著影響患者肺功能及血氧指數,也沒有存在引致患者喘氣的顯著證據。但溫度,濕度或細微的可吸入懸浮粒子(0.5-2μm)偏高的室內環境明顯對患者情緒帶來負面影響,在細微的可吸入懸浮粒子偏高的環境中,患者亦較容易感覺勞累。

Further information:

Fong KNK, Mui KW, Chan WY, Wong LT, 2010. Air quality influence on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients’ quality of life, Indoor Air 20(5) 434-441.

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