
Simulations for Per-capita Water Consumptions of Appliances at Secondary Schools


Water is a global issue for sustainable development. Education is an important part of water conservation in society. Students’ water consumption distribution can be used as an indicative measure for promoting water conservation. Per-capita water consumption is a well-known benchmarking parameter which has been used to evaluate the efficiency of water conservation measures over a region. This study investigates the water use and develops a model predicting the daily per capita water consumptions for secondary school students. Model parameters are determined from on-site measurements and surveys by randomly invited students. Personal volumetric demands and usage behavior on appliance basis (such as the number of daily use and the demand duration) are found significant on daily water consumptions. Daily per capita water consumption distribution is evaluated via Monte-Carlo simulation, the benchmarking (percentile) values are therefore determined. The benchmarks are informative and readily applicable for any education and promotion of water conservation policy.

Further information:

Wong SY, Wong LT, Mui KW, 2013. Simulations for Per-capita Water Consumptions of Appliances at Secondary Schools. The 39th CIBW062 International Symposium of Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, 17-20 September, Nagano City, Japan.