
Energy efficiency benchmarks of example roof-tank water supply system for high-rise low-cost housings in Hong Kong


Energy efficiency of water supply systems in high-rise residential buildings becomes a concern for sustainable development nowadays. The energy efficiency for water supply system operation is the potential energy of the water demands in buildings divided by the pumping energy required. Water supply is a basic and essential facility for buildings and elevated storage tanks are typically installed to ensure a reliable supply in low-cost housings in Hong Kong. This paper presents mathematical expressions for energy efficiency of water supply system and evaluates the energy efficiency for buildings with non-uniform water demands at floors. Energy efficiency determined for example water supply systems of high-rise low-cost housings in Hong Kong could serve as useful benchmark references for demand management programme for buildings.

Further information:

Wong LT, Cheung CT, Mui KW, 2013. Energy efficiency benchmarks of example roof-tank water supply system for high-rise low-cost housings in Hong Kong. The 39th CIBW062 International Symposium of Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, 17-20 September, Nagano City, Japan.

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