
Ham Radio's Oldest Network -

On The Air Since 1929

Here's an archived newsletter of the Knights of the Kilocycle as published in the Florida Skip/Cyberham Magazine: March 1998

Wes Randles honored again

And here goes the Knightly News:

It's off to the hamfests again. Andy Clark, W4IYT of Miami Springs and Stan, W4JKK of Melbourne had a nice visit at the big Miami fest last month. Stan said the parking lot was at overflowing as hams far and wide took in the newest equipment and browsed over the used stuff as well. Meanwhile at Orlando, reports of muddy parking lots and rain were received.

The Knights of the Kilocycle, amateur radio's oldest net, was organized on Christmas Day, 1929, and is now entering it's 81st year of operation. The Knights meet every Sunday morning at 7:30 on 3910 Kilocycles. Since 1929 there have been over 548 memberships awarded to amateur operators. The Knights always welcomes new members. A daily ham net meets on the same frequency and time as the "Old Goat's Net." We encourage shortwave listeners to listen in to our group each Sunday morning. Please listen in. Send comments to: Southwest Florida Online™

Wes, W4COW recently was honored by receiving the Phil Stern Award from the Pelican Chapter of the QCWA. Wes has been a ham since 1933. He was QCWA National Treasurer for 14 years and has manned the QCWA booth at the Miami Hamboree for 16 years and also logs in time at the Tampa hamfest booth. Wes is a member of about 15 QCWA chapters in Florida and New England. Stan reports planting some new trees in his yard recently and Doug N4SLS, of New Port Richey said the rains have raised the lake levels at his home so much that the docks are almost under water. Marion KC4MFT, has some backyard banana plants this year and is wondering if they will survive the high water in New Port Richey.

WB4NTI, Rick checked in running mobile last month. He's been a Knight for some years and was good to hear him on the net again. Also heard was WD8DNE, Don making an appearance on the net.

Jim, NX2II has been putting up some new antennas while Dorothy, N4TXT is finishing up rehab therapy after her fall a while back.

Master Ocillator Bob, W4KOG of North Palm Beach reports going to his grandaughter's 19th birthday party. Fred, K4SMD is back in Interlachen and putting out a good signal from there. The sun spot cycle and the sun activity is still having its ups and downs, hovering around the 100 mark. We should see the sunspots making for improved propagation over the next five or six years. The ten meter band has seen more activity recently than for many years.

For those who have computers and internet access, please check out my web site at:

Southwest Florida Online - Sunday Morning News. The amateur radio pages there include Florida and Southwest Florida ham info, Florida repeater listings, listings of all area hams in Hendry, Glades, and west Lee countiy, online callbooks, and the latest Knights of the Kilocycle news as well as two QCWA chapter newsletter briefs. Also check out the ham radio web links mentioned in articles for the Cyberham section of Florida Skip, and the national online yellow pages and white phonebook links. There's even a chat room for those who want to do some online talk.

The Knights encourage new check-ins each Sunday morning to ham radio's oldest net. Please join us each Sunday at 7:30 AM, 3910 Kilocycles and let us know what's been happening in your area. We welcome all hams from anyone that can hear us. Invite your friends to listen and call in Sunday morning. See you all on Sunday morning.

(The Knights articles appeared monthly in the former Florida Skip/Cyberham, Melbourne, Florida; the late Gerry Wentz, publisher)