Church Directory - LaBelle, Fl Area
Directory of Churches
LaBelle, Alva, Muse, Felda, Pioneer Plantation
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Alva United Methodist ChurchPearl St., Alva Located just east of the bridge crossing the Caloosahatchee River at Alva this historic building is home to the Methodist community in the area. Founded in 1886, the church is one of the oldest structures in Southwest Florida. The Alva Methodist is the oldest church in Lee county.
Alva Methodist Church
Assembly of God Frazier Ave., LaBelle
Caloosa Baptist Church500 Hwy. 80 W, LaBelle
Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church310 Campbell at Riverview, Labelle(941) 675-0656Traditional Worshop: 9:00 a.m.
Youth Bible Studay: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School for Adults and Children: 10:00 a.m.
Contemporary Service: 11:00 a.m.
Music program directed by: Jennifer Griffin
Chancel Choir, Joyful Noise Choir, Cherub Choir, Children's Handbell Choir
Wednesday evening - Various prayer, small group, and youth meetings at 6:30 p.m.
Home of Worship and Service Opportunities for all Age Groups
Bible Studies
Stephen Ministry
LaBelle's Methodist church was founded in 1892. Church painting by Gerrie Rue
Carlson Memorial Methodist Church
Central Church of Christ
60 Hendry St.
Sunday A.M.-
Bible Classes 10:00
Worship 11:00
Sunday P.M. -
Bible Study 6:00
Wednesday Bible Study/Devotional 7:00 P. M.
Church of God
Hwy. 80 at Elm St.
Church of Christ
990 SR 29N, North LaBelle
Church of the Peace of the Apostolic Faith
Fordson Ave.
Clewiston Gospel Ministries
Flaghole Road
Clewiston, Florida
Pastor William E. Walker
Sunday School 11:00 A.M.
Worship Service 12:00 noon
midweek service Wednesday 7:30 P.M
Community Harvest Worship Center55 Orange St. P.O. Box 2268LaBelle, Fl.33935(863) 675-0938 FAX 675-8703Pastor L.W. HowardWorship 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m., Sunday School 10 a.m.Community Worship Center
photo by Patsy White
Christ the King Lutheran Church
350 Old County Rd 78
LaBelle, Florida 33935
Sunday Services start at 9:15 AM
Church of the Good Shepherd - Anglican Episcopal
1098 Collingswood, Port LaBelle (south of SR80)
Vicar, The Very Rev. Alan H. Kelmereit
863 675-0385
7:00 AM Men's Group Breakfast and study
9:30 AM Healing Eucharist
10:30 AM Bible Study
8;00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:15 AM Adult Forum
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II
Felda Baptist Church
Willis Ranch Rd.
First Baptist ChurchMain and Ft. Thompson, LabelleFOUNDED : FEBRUARY 1912(941) 675-2171 Fax: (941) 675-0773Pastor: Rev. Frank Deerey Jr.Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Evening Worship - 7:00pm
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm
Wednesday Youth Power Up! - 6:30pm
RA's, GA's, Mission Friends - 7:00pm
First Baptist Church
Spanish Mission
Evans Rd.
First Christian Church
Ford and Lee
First Church of God
Hwy. 80 and Florida St.
First United Pentacostal
233 Clark St.
Upper Room Church of God
Comelia Dr.
Full Gospel Tabernacle
1601 Thigpin Rd.
LaBelle Baptist TempleHwy. 80 W, 6 miles west of LaBelle
LaBelle Revival Center
Hwy 78, 5 miles west of LaBelle
Iglesia Cristiana El Faro Asambleas de Dios
431 Bryan Ave
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Thigpen and Elizabeth
Missionary Baptist New Bethel
874 Suwannee
Pioneer Baptist Church
Pioneer Plantation
Oak Grove Holiness Church
Muse and Summerall
Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church
Hwy. 29 and Church Rd, Felda
Our meetings are the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 AM and the preceding Saturday afternoon at 2:30 PM. Our pastor is Elder Leon Blanton. For information contact Ralph Taylor 675-0261.
Grace Baptist ChurchEucalyptus at Edgewater, Port LaBelle Grace Baptist Church
St. Matthew Missionary Baptist ChurchWithlacoochee Ave.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Information: 675-1190 675-0084
Countryside Baptist Church of Muse
Road 731 and Whidden
Life Ministries Family Worship Center
725 West Hwy. 80
(941) 675-8855
Sunday School - adults and children, 9 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service,10 a.m.
Sunday Evening Services, 1st Sunday of month - no evening service - Family Night
2nd Sunday of month - 6 p.m. Joshua Generation, ages 13+, 6 p.m. Bible Class
3rd Sunday of month - 5 p.m. Joshua Generation, ages 13+, 6 p.m. "Hatha" Service -1Cor.14:26 - A service everyone shares
4th Sunday of month - 5 p.m. Joshua Generation, ages 13+, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. - Voyage ages 3 to 12 (Voyage - Vision of Young Adults with Godly Energy)
Wednesday morning - Men's Prayer 6 a.m.
Wednesday Night - Bible Study 7 p.m.
Manatee Ave. Church of God
838 Manatee Ave.
Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Testamento Asamblea
Hwy. 80, 6 miles west of LaBelle
Our Lady Queen of HeavenSouth Bridge St. and Bryan St.Information on Natural Family Planning classes - call (941) 540-1096What is Natural Family Planning? - a natural, 99% effective, easily learned, medically safe, morally acceptable, marriage strengthening method of family planning taught in four 2-hour classes. Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
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