Former Cyberham Magazine/Florida Skip Amateur Radio magazines links - by KQ4YM
You may be hearing a morse code signal known by all ham radio operators. The code is saying "CQ" which is which is an attention signal to any amateur radio station listening. In the 1990s I wrote a series of articles for Cyberham magazine about Computers and Ham Radio and how the two merge into useful tools of communication world wide. This page contains the web links written about in the published articles. The editor and publisher of the Florida Skip, later named Cyberham magazine was the late Gerry Wentz.
If you'd like more information about ham radio send me an e-mail message and I'll do my best to answer any questions. It is fairly easy to obtain the FCC amateur radio license to operate your own radio station by studying a text of basic radio and operating rules and taking a test, usually given once a month by local volunteers in just about every area of the country. Send e-mail to: KQ4YM
Here are all the links mentioned in my old Florida Skip/Cyberham monthly magazine articles about Computers and Ham Radio of the 1990s. These are great places to visit to find more interesting information about electronics and ham radio subjects: Bill Britton's KB4VOL Ham Pages - Good Links for Everything in Ham Radio
Southwest Florida Online™ - Southwest Florida web pages and Amateur Radio Info
Satellite Tracking Programs Online - To find times for satellite passes
Tucson Amateur Packet Radio - TAPR Web Pages
Online Mapping - Find a map for any U.S. trip
Online Amateur Radio Call Books - Find Ham Names and Addresses
U.S. Amateur Radio Repeater Frequencies - Find Any U.S. Repeater
Art Bell, W6OBB - Radio show host - Art can be heard at 3.840 mhz on the ham bands every morning from about 5:30 a.m. until 6:30 a.m. EST.
Here's some more places to explore about Ham Radio:
More Southwest Florida Ham Radio including Ham Callbook, etc.
Florida 2-meter Repeater Listing
Shortwave and Computer TV & Radio Programs