
第18回WSとして、2022年3月9日(水)に定型表現をテーマとしたオンラインシンポジウム“Symposium on Formulaicity in Interactional Discourse 2022”を開催いたします。みなさまのご参加をお待ちしております。


“Symposium on Formulaicity in Interactional Discourse 2022” (ONLINE)

March 9th (Wed), 2022 @ Japan Standard Time

Morning session with guest speakers (Language: English)

Afternoon session with project members’ research reports (Language: Japanese)

Formulaic expressions (aka fixed expressions) cover a wide range of phenomena, including collocation, colligation, phraseological units, idioms, and prefabs, among others. Formulaic expressions refer not only to single words but to phrases, multi-word sequences or even clauses and sentences, which are not built by combining parts, but stored and retrieved as prefabricated chunks as they become conventionalized or entrenched. Formulaic expressions have meanings and functions that cannot be represented by the sum of the meanings of their subparts. Such expressions are difficult to handle by models of grammar that characterize language as a simple set of general rules. Those expressions, however, are not exceptional but pervasive and, in fact, constitute much of actual language use.

In this symposium, we will share the findings based on our cross-linguistic and in-depth investigation on various aspects of formulaic language, for instance, its formation and interactional and socio-cultural functions, its distribution within grammar, and how spoken and written forms of language affect each other in the diachronic and synchronic realms of formulaicity. In the morning, we will have two presentations by overseas guest speakers sharing their latest thoughts on formulaicity (presented in English). In the afternoon, the project members in Japan will introduce their forthcoming publications related to formulaicity (presented in Japanese). Research activities to be reported in this symposium are supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, i.e. KAKENHI (17KT0061), and this symposium is jointly sponsored by the Spoken Discourse Linguistics Workshop Series.

Registration is required to participate in this symposium. Please access the link below and register by Saturday, March 5 (3月5日までに事前の参加登録が必要です):




“Symposium on Formulaicity in Interactional Discourse 2022” (ONLINE)

Morning Session: March 9 (Wed) 9:25-12:20 Guest lectures (Language: English)

*45 talk + 15 QA (60-minute format)

9:15 Zoom room opens (chairperson: Hiroko Takanashi)

9:25 Opening remarks (Ryoko Suzuki)

9:30-10:30 Sandra A. Thompson, Barbara A. Fox, and Trine Heinemann

"The formula [I wonder Q]: when is a response relevant?"

10:30-10:50 Break (20 min.)

10:50-11:50 Hongyin Tao

“The Routinization of Mini-Conversational Formats in Hypothetical Speech and Its Implications for the Scope of Formulaic Language”

11:50~ Discussion (Details TBA; maximally 30 minutes)


Afternoon session: March 9 (Wed) 13:30-17:00 Project members' research reports (Language: Japanese) (科研メンバーの成果発表)司会:堀内ふみ野

13:30-13:40 柴﨑礼士郎「イントロダクション」

13:40-14:05 高梨博子「相互行為における発話末の「~たりして」:遊びのスタンス標識としてのgeneral extender」

14:05-14:30 横森大輔「トラブル言明のフォーマットとしての「~けど」発話」

14:30-14:35 Break (5 min.)

14:35-15:00 遠藤智子「知識のなさを表明することの相互行為上のはたらき:日本語日常会話における「知らない」「わかんない」」

15:00-15:25 鈴木亮子・大野剛・第十早織「動詞の繰り返しからreactive tokenへ」

15:25-15:35 Break (10 min.)

15:35-16:00 堀内ふみ野・中山俊秀 「ソーシャルメディアにおける構文リソースとしての読点の使用について」

16:00-16:25 土屋智行「 SNS上の定型表現の創造的拡張:語順のスクランブリングに着目して」

16:25-16:30 Break (5 min.)

16:30-16:40 柴﨑礼士郎「これからの定型表現研究を考える」

16:40-17:00 総合討論(司会:中山俊秀)