




Online International Symposium “Formulaicity in interactional discourse”

March 8th (Mon), 2021 @ Japan Standard Time

--09:00-12:20 (JST): Guest lectures (Language: English)

--13:30-16:30 (JST): Project members' research reports (Language: Japanese)

The main theme of this symposium, formulaic language (aka fixed expressions), covers a wide range of expressions and phenomena, including collocation, colligation, phraseological units, idioms, prefabs, among others. Such phenomena refer not only to single words but to phrases, multi-word sequences or even clauses, perhaps being mentally stored and retrieved once conventionalized or entrenched. Formulaic expressions have coherent meanings that cannot be represented by the sum of the meaning of each word. Such expressions are difficult to handle by the model of grammar that characterizes language as a simple set of general rules. Those expressions, however, by no means form a minority in language use but are actually quite frequent and pervasive. In this symposium, we will share our findings based on our cross-linguistic and in-depth investigation on various aspects of formulaic language, for instance, its interactional and socio-cultural functions, distribution within gramma!

r, how spoken and written forms of language affect each other in the diachronic and synchronic realms of formulaicity. In the morning, we welcome three overseas guest speakers sharing their latest thoughts on formulaicity. In the afternoon, the project members in Japan will introduce their recent publications related to formulaicity (in Japanese). Research activities to be reported in this symposium are supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, i.e. KAKENHI (17KT0061), and this symposium is jointly sponsored by Spoken Discourse Linguistics Workshop.

Registration is required to participate in this symposium. Please access the link below and register by March 5 (Fri):

https://forms.gle/f6wRDigd5Wp2pCSj9 (事前の参加登録が必要です。3月5日締切です。)


<Timetable>“Formulaicity in interactional discourse”

Morning Session: March 8 (Mon) 9:00-12:20 Guest lectures (Language: English)

9:00-9:10 Zoom room opens (chairperson:Hiroko Takanashi)

9:10-9:50 Michiko Kaneyasu (Old Dominion University)

Expectations for 'natural' ways of talking: A context-dependent perspective

on fixedness in conversation

10:00-10:40 Tsuyoshi Ono (University of Alberta)

Japanese “subordinate” clauses as sources of formulaic expressions

10:40-11:00 <Break>

11:00 -11:40 Hongyin Tao (University of California, Los Angeles)

Fomulaicity at the construction level: An interactional typological perspective

on pseudo-clefts

11:40-12:20 Discussion (discussant: Toshihide Nakayama)

Afternoon session: March 8 (Mon) 13:30-16:50 Project members' research reports (Language: Japanese ) (科研メンバー自身の最近の定型性研究に関する発表)

1) 13:30-13:45 鈴木亮子(慶應義塾大学)新表現の創発―新しくない中にある新しさ―

2) 13:45-14:00 高梨博子(日本女子大学)遊びの相互行為における言葉の共創―定型性と新奇性の観点から―

Break (15 minutes)

3) 14:15-14:30 土屋智行(九州大学)Formulaic Quotations in Japanese SNS

4) 14:30-14:45 横森大輔(九州大学)語り連鎖における「ってゆう」発話の働き

Break (15 minutes)

5) 15:00-15:15 堀内ふみ野(大東文化大学)・中山俊秀(東京外国語大学)


6) 15:15-15:30 中山俊秀・堀内ふみ野 発話を超えて発達した定型性ー係助詞ハで始まる発話ー

Break (15 minutes)

7) 15:45-16:00 遠藤智子(東京大学)The benefactive -te ageru construction in Japanese family

interaction and adult interaction

8) 16:00-16:15 柴﨑礼士郎(明治大学)「たしかに」の談話機能と定型性について

Break (10 minutes)

16: 25-16:50 Discussion (25 minutes)