Techniques of a Bloomin Beamer

Techniques of a Bloomin Beamer

This is an addendum to the primary piece on 'The Ways of the Bloomin Beamer' which concludes with Beamer's having their hands pulsing with love energy but very few avenues for its application. Turns out, when playing with unconditional love there are a virtually unlimited number of useful applications, the universal application covered in the primary piece. This primer focuses on three basic scenarios and your creativity can take it from there. The three scenarios are 1) using the energy for your personal well-being; 2) a one-on-one 'hands-on' session with another, and 3) a one-on-one distance session with another. Before beginning, though I must emphasize once again that BEAMING IS NOT ABOUT HEALING; IT'S ABOUT CREATING AN ENERGY FIELD THAT FACILITATES THE HIGHEST GOOD IN YOU AND THOSE YOU BEAM ON.

Another aspect that will probably pop up is your ego doubting the veracity of beaming. It is an esoteric practice of faith; both factors your ego is fearful of in its' quest to always be in control. I call this 'internal dialogue', and suggest that you address it rather than trying to ignore it. Try replying to this insistent, interrupting thought by suggesting that you are just playing with this energy; that it is a fun experiment that does no harm.

Is it not enough to beam because it makes you feel better and provides a belief that this crisis/opportunity will be resolved in the highest good? Well, if not enough for your ego, I urge you to play, especially in one-on-one sessions, either in person or at a distance, until this happens because 'this' will happen. You will have an exceptional experience during a session; then when downloading after the session is over, you discover that the one you're playing with had the exact same experience, even if there was an ocean between.

Beaming on YourSelf:

If I ask you to name all the things you love, how far down the list do you name yourself, if you even think of it. IMHO 'yourself' should be #1; the most important person on earth is you. Remember this field you have created in your heart is unconditional love, the field acting as a nutrient environment for your ‘inner physician’ to energize and heal that which is needed. I cannot emphasize enough, treating your self for your tree-of-life is the center of the universe.

Accept and honor you are the center of your world. Your health is critical to the family who are closest, radiating out through friends, acquaintances, and a myriad of people along with butterflies in China that you are unaware your energy affects. Being, at a minimum, a resident on the outer branches of your tree-of-life even if you are just perusing this, I must insist that your personal health is most important. Any activity that detracts from that aspiration is deleterious to the power of your beaming.

To begin, let's go back energetically to the softball in your hands. Personally and with clients, I find vibrational energy – all energy is vibrations but in this instance, I'm referring to sound. Sound not only carries your intention but physically loosens the adhesions formed over time and encourages healing.

Gently place the energy ball in your throat; or disconnect the circuit through your arms and hands and direct the heart energy directly to your voice box remembering that energy follows thought. Now direct the energy where ever you want by humming; yes, you can make your 'stubbed' toe vibrate with the right pitch. As a wake-up ritual, with no aches or pains, I still like to give my body a 'tone up', and affirm my love for its' service.

Listen to the flow of your experience, and follow your intuition to guide you, snot your mind. If some sector seems to need special attention, revisit it, dialogue with your body, and ask if you can help. Again follow your intuition; there is no wright or wrong way with love.

Lastly, a factor to consider when beaming on yourself is the limitation of a battery trying to charge itself. Practitioners put the force at 10 to 25% compared to having another(s) energy playing with you. This factor speaks volumes as to the power of community, and remembering that in your asking for yourself, you are being a coyote to get your friend to visit their own heart. With unconditional love, there no healer or healee; you both equally affected and available for healing.

Beaming on a Room:

As a beamer, the situation will arise providing you with the opportunity to be peacemaker, the sacred pipe carrier. It will probably be in a room where everyone's passions have been stirred up; where gentle conflict resolution is called for. Quietly charge your hands and then expand the energy ball to fill the whole room and everyone in it. Do not forget to keep bringing in fresh energy in through feet and fontanel to channel as you will need more energy. As you witness this discord, practice staying unconditional with no attachment to an outcome. We are privileged to serve the mystery, not having answers nor needing them; just providing an atmosphere for a resolution that will be the highest good.

The Use of Beamer Energy in a Hands-On Opportunity:

The hands-on use of this channeled energy is similar to hundreds of other energy protocols. I have practiced probably twenty of them, and borrow from any of them if my intuition leads me there. However, I continue to beam no matter the circumstance. Please accept at the outset that the technique is the least important aspect because this energy of beaming has no ego. Find what plays for you, where you belong, and use it. Though I set forth these suggestions as a place to start, you are encouraged to practice what ever is comfortable for you. Channeling is unconditional – allow it to unwind its’ magic without being attached to a specific outcome. None of us are well-enough informed to ‘know’ what Spirit has planned for this opportunity. Bloomin Beamers are often called at a moment of crisis – either a child’s skinned knee or a terminal illness. The cuneiform in Chinese for ‘crisis’ is identical to the one for ‘opportunity’ – every crisis is an opportunity to cross a threshold towards healing in love.

My technique is to send the heart energy to the hand directly over (if bloody or painful, your hand can hover) where your friend (coyote) has directed you; starting out of heart, across your chest to your right arm down to emitting out of right hand directly over a wound on his ankle. Your left hand will then be opposite the emitting hand receiving the remaining energy completing the circuit back to your heart. It is helpful to not have your hands touching one another, such as around a cut finger, as that short circuits the energy from passing through the injury being addressed.

If possible, at first keep your hands splayed out wide allowing a big energy field to pass through the ankle. This not only starts the healing process, it helps identify the specific area of the injury. Your hands as well as the ankle begin to warm up. Remember to continue channeling the ether up from your feet and down through the fontanel (the soft spot on top of your head at birth), filling up this hopper of love in your heart. If you don’t, the client will end up energized while your personal battery will be depleted. Keep visualizing the energy flowing out of your heart around the circuit through your arm and emitting hand, through the ankle into the receiving hand and back to your heart. Remember that energy follows thought – if you cannot place your hands on both sides of the injury, imagine the return circuit and it will be there.

Even though your client may be very specific about the location of the injury, try to begin with your hands spread wide over the surrounding area. The heat in your hands may then become localized, informing you as to where the energy is specifically needed. Remember injuries cause energy to eddy, not flow, and build up heat. Localize the flow by changing from your hand to emitting from your fingers thus sending energy to the exact location indicated by the heat. If their ‘inner physician’ tells you to move your hands, move them. Listen to the new position, if there is more energy, more connection where you were, go back to the initial position.

Once the heat builds up, it is common to experience ‘therapeutic pulse’, an electromagnetic wave that washes back and forth between your hands. It feels like water in a shallow baking dish being sloshed from one end to the other. Therapeutic pulse is much slower than the heart pulse which is often observed.

Normally, therapeutic pulse will grow stronger, not necessarily faster; building into a crescendo. Once the crescendo breaks, the body's inner-physician is saying that it cannot do anymore for the moment. This normally will happen in 15 to 20 minutes. The activity in the circuit will drop substantially, cooling down rather rapidly, marking the end of the session. Another session can take place an hour later and the body will be ready to go further in the healing process.

It's very important at the end of a session to download your client's experience. This facilitates two important factors. One, that the client is encouraged to bring his experience up to the surface by putting it in words which grounds their healing in consciousness. Two, hearing those words often will confirm your own memory of the session. This info will provide great leaps in your confidence and abilities.

Beaming on an Individual at a Distance:

The critical factor is to have the client/friend laying down at the same time as you are, willfully receiving your beaming energy. Limit the time frame to 30 minutes. Proceed as if it was hands-on session; remembering what you think is – that energy follows thought.

In the beginning of your practice, it is likely your ego will scoff at your imagination. I urge you to play on until, in your download immediately after the session (I use Facebook Messenger often), you discover that the one your playing with had the exact same experience, even if there was an ocean between you two.

The Process of Healing:


Whether a sprained ankle, a sunburn, a stubbed toe or a skinned knee, a critical factor in its healing is to 'beam' on it, sooner rather than later. As time passes, an injury forms adhesions because the energy eddies instead of flows. This energetic cyst becomes locked in as the sympathetic muscles, which are allowing you to carry on, form a habitual pattern that becomes harder to 'let go of' as time passes. The body will let go of many the nagging injury immediately if immersed in a loving energy field in the first 30 minutes.

So the crying child presents (the double entendre used because the 'present' offers an opportunity to learn) you with a bloodied knee. With the energy in your heart imagine creating a circuit through your arm and hand closest to the injury/pain (front of the knee). The wound does not have to be touched; energy travels at the speed of light, and can even pass through bulletproof vests with ease which is my line when asking a police officer for a hug. After the therapeutic pulse as built up for a while, you can usually start focusing your emissions out of a single finger and literally watch new pink skin grow over the abrasion. You and the child will become believers.

Similarly, a sharp knife wound will virtually disappear if 'hands-on' healing is applied right away. If the knife wound is on a finger, be careful not to have your hands touching each other.


Sometimes in the process of healing, the pain or discomfort in your client will become more intense before beginning to ease. This is especially true with headaches when the blood begins to flow once again through formerly restricted passages; much like when your arm wakes up after it ‘went to sleep’. The skull is a dense structure that absorbs a significant amount of energy, so it offers a lot less feedback. Don’t get discouraged that the heat and therapeutic pulse are a long time coming. Many times with headaches, starting with the neck is appropriate as that is where the stress is often stored in the muscles which are cutting off the blood supply.

Emotional Injuries:

Bodies remember injuries; especially those that have an emotional component goes with an auto accident or when the parent slaps a child. Again, the sooner a beamer facilitates, the easier it is for the body to release the energy cyst of the injury. Older untreated injuries, often forgotten or hidden by your ego, become more calcified as they form adhesions to the surrounding derma. I have treated numerous clients with a seemingly current injury that when the emotional component came up to be released was 40 years old. The reason the injury appears now is that the sympathetic muscles that had to fill in for injury for all those years finally cannot do it any longer.

Injuries as Emotional Crutches:

Some people ‘love’ their pain. They have an addiction to the attention their pain attracts. The pain makes them 'special' because of the other react to them; actually bringing them psychological comfort. Do not take it personally; you are present to create an unconditional field. If this syndrome confronts you, and you cannot stay in the unconditional, excuse yourself and stop. Only become the channel if it feeds you to facilitate in an unconditional way. If you are seeking gratitude or miracles, please stop and assess your transactions.

The Practice of Being Unconditional in Your Everyday Life; The four questions:

Often the comment is heard: “This being unconditional is really tricky !” Here’s the exercise my guides gifted me to get yours truly on the Wright track. The Four Questions is a ritual for listening to the ‘all’ of you rather than the preprogrammed scripts playing in your mind. Remember, your body cells are just as intelligent as your brain cells – the only difference being that your brain cells can lie to you all day long and twice on Sunday.

A poem by Lao Tse:

There is no need to run outside for better seeing,

Nor to peer from a window.

Rather abide at the center of your being;

For the more you leave it, the less you learn.

Search your heart and see,

if one is wise when seeking each turn

The way to do is to be.

When considering ‘doing’ anything, try ‘going inside’, asking these four questions:

Will this feed my emotions ?

Will this feed my mind ?

Will this feed my body ?

Will this feed my Spirit ?

If another person is involved, a fifth consideration: Do I expect anything in return? . . . ego gratification, even a ‘thank you’.

If the answer to any of the first four questions is ‘no’, I suggest you take an ‘el paso’; likewise, if the answer to the fifth question is ‘yes’. Love is after all . . unconditional; and one needs to learn to love themSelf first.

If the only “no” comes from your body because it is tired, sometimes bartering with extra time soaking in the Jacuzzi or a half-hour surfing will change that answer.

It may seem difficult in the beginning to find the four voices within. In time they will become more forthcoming; remember you haven’t consulted them in a long time. Have patience, it takes time to change the programs. In our culture we are taught to live from our heads up, ignoring the body. Being honest with the four questions can provide a powerful step towards experiencing life as an unconditional ‘being’ rather than a ‘doing’.

In closing . . . . .

IMHO Bloomin Beamers are much needed while our cultural cracks are letting the light in. And that is all we need to know. There will be doubters while others will greet us with faith on their sleeves. Do not take either type personally. You are the channel of a spiritual voice; you channel the energy of Mother Earth/Father Sky that is going to facilitate to the highest good. As such, if you're a heart instead of a head, you can rest easy that the outcome will be a creation of grace.

Ours is not about healing the entire world all at once; indeed as it usually goes unsaid, our focus should be centered on healing ourselves first. We are invited to mend those parts that the 'flow' presents to us. Starting with a small deed that our soul is called upon to help another which then magically results in facilitating our own healing too. Healing yourself heals all of us.

We may agree that what is needed is a dramatic change – but it will not be dramatic in the day to day. Do not be overwhelmed by the seemingly impervious mountains that face us. It will be an accumulation of small personal and communal acts that manifest the shift, building energy to where 'old things will fall down, we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like burnt paper'(1) and the quantum leap becomes inevitable as 'the risk to remain in a tight bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom'. (2)

May it be said that not everyone is needed to manifest peace and justice, but only a small group of Bloomin Beamers channeling love to unleash humanity’s boundless creative powers.

(1) D. H. Lawrence poem

When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,

and when we escape like squirrels turning in the cages

of our personality

and get into the forests again,

we shall shiver with cold and fright

but things will happen to us

so that we don't know ourselves.

Cool, unlying life will rush in,

and passion will make our bodies taut with power,

we shall stamp our feet with new power

and old things will fall down,

we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like burnt paper.

(2) Diarist Anais Nin meme; the quote literally the meaning of her name:

and the day came

when the risk to remain in a tight bud

was more painful than the risk it took

to blossom.