Radio Drama

Addition Audio Drama

Tambien conocido como "After the End" ó "Shukyoku no Tsuzuki"

The Evangelion Audio Drama, hereafter reffered to as "After the End", is one of the overlooked bits of official Evangelion goodness. It originally appeared as track number 2 on the "Neon Genesis Evangelion: Addition" cd released December 12, 1996 by King Records. The drama track features the entire cast of Evangelion, as well as Hideaki Anno, who also wrote and directed.

The premise of "After the End" is simple, the characters of Eva have enjoyed a much deserved rest after their series concluded, however, the buisness executives have signed the papers to begin a new Evangelion series. The only problem is that the cast has no script, and the voice recording has to be done immediately to air in the evening.

"After the End" is similar in tone to the action arc (episodes 7-13) or to the alternate universe of episode 26. It's at times quite silly, without any of the psychological drama or character conflicts of the series. This is meant to be entirely comedic, and is rather amusing at certain points.

El Audio Drama aparecio originalmente en el CD Evangelion Addition, era el Track Nº 2 y dura 21 minutos.

Se trata de una parodia humoristica en donde el Cast Original de Evangelion participa y discute como continuar después del final de la serie.

Tapa y Contratapa del disco Addition en donde aparece el Audio Drama:

AdditionContratapa.jpg picture by evangelion2015
dowload.png image by evangelion2015

Este archivo solo contiene el Audio Drama:

by imperiocesariano