Resource Class Time

25) Help cats backwards plan on projects and help to teach them good ways to go about it. Print out calendars for them, etc. This can be most greatly seen in S.E.E., but in essays, big projects, etc.

33) Make plans on ways to makeup work if they are lagging it or will be going out of town. Follow up a few days later with them and follow up with parents. Set contingency plans in some situations (i.e. if you don’t do this by this date then this will happen).

93) Give students folders for HW….or the forms that I have them fill out (i.e. dailies), etc.

- this can help keep them organized. No random loose papers floating around. They keep that and keep it in the front of the binder or backpack and ya

4) Circulate in the OLC often (and push-in). It’s just like when you worked at the gym, people don’t always ask for help when you are far away, but if you are just asking them questions and whatnot, or just around, they are more down to ask for help

7) Check in about pressures that the students may have with everything in their lives. (consider doing some lessons from the “Learning to Learn” book and the notes that you have about how to help with that)

30) Worksheet generators for Pre-calc and for Algebra I (Infinite Algebra). These have been used to help with students who need extra practice in different areas. Carmen Fernandez in the math department has access to some good ones.

( ??? Should this be “academic”???? )

34) I don’t know if I already put this but. .. ….. reteach and review (and frontload) as needed. Give enrichment to cats that are struggling (like with on-time work). Use Infinite Algebra worksheets, coordinate with teachers, get PPTs, etc. is also a great way to work with vocab and concepts.

36) Have cats review math notes regularly during OLC time. Sometimes I will have them just explain to me what they are doing. Other times they may work on problems that they got wrong on a quiz. Do problems from the book, etc.

- the crux is to get them to be able to do it smoothly on the solo tip.

70) Set up study plans: (There is a much more detailed file with this outline. Either on T: Drive or on Moodle

Day 1: Add vocab from the section (or notes?) into and put the definitions in your own words. Add pictures

Day 2: Use the study function on to study the words

- review notes from that days class

Day 3: Play both games on

- review notes from class

Day 4: Do the test on

- review notes from class

Day 5: Add new words as needed

- take the content from the last few days and make a Graphic Organizer based on this information (this could be done in Enrichment with the help of Science Teacher or Mr. Haight)

* I'm hoping to supplement the aforementioned activities with videos and online simulations as available

76) I have the To-Do forms that they fill out each day. One of the focuses is on things that they can do that is addition to what’s in their agenda (i.e. study! Plan for a project, etc.)…

- I also attach things to do or help them (i.e. a Graphic organizer for essay)

- I write notes during the day on there for cats (if something occurs to me)

- I follow up with things like signatures, certain teachers, and have them turn certain study things just into me.

!!! I should stay up on the five days and then give a pass….it would be effective

* I have done this as a progression of interventions and when they get a GPA of around 75 we stop……but greatly enough, just last week for example, a student asked to do these again after we stopped, so it can be useful. Franklin also asked to get his hands on a copy after he already had graduated.

73) Have phone numbers of all students I work with so that I can text them and follow up on them ( i.e. “ send me your Rough Draft so I can help you get 100%, you were supposed to go to detention, etc.)

91) I have kids on Whatsapp…or text message status. It makes things soooooooo much easier to remind them to do stuff, give them news, get them to come to the class, etc. At the beginning of the year when I have a survey I ask kids to write down their cells and I tell them why

81) I can use PowerSchool Admin to look at teachers gradebooks…..I can even play with the data to show kids what they could have gotten, etc…..but it won’t change the grade. It’s good times!

- this helps with your push ins so you can see how all the kids did on a quiz and you don’t have to bother a teacher

- this helps you with seeing how other students did on an assignment (i.e. teacher comes to you and shows you an F on a quiz, but you see that half the students that period got an F)

90) Do things like you have done with Franklin and Linda where you look at writing that needs help and you talk to teacher….get work samples that are exemplars…..and then help student with the rewrite even if it wasn’t (isn’t) for a grade.

92) IN Stacy Flemings class (Geometry / flipped) I do the HW check with the kids from time to time in my room before they have to do it in their class with her. and have them long range DP to check their HW on Day 1 to make sure they are ready for the Day 2 HW check.

- The first time I sat down with Manuel within seconds he was like “oh yeah, I didn’t finish one HW….I need some help”

- I have also told parents to be on that. All the cycle plans were on Moodle so…

95) Tell students I talked with teacher and “We” decided…… this way it sounds more official and less arbitrary. This will help when assigning review math problems or whatever else more that you might assign.

99) Got cats doing “Q Notes” for science to help when teacher says “study pages…..” The first time I give it to them I guide them through the process

In addition to the Q notes you also are slowly developing a repertoire of graphic organizers (see Moodle). You have sheets that are blank, then sheets with directions on Moodle. And in the class you have an area with file folders and different GE’s. The writing paragraphs one is the most frequently used.

17) Show cats the iPhone App and website called Wolfram Alpha in order to figure out pre-calc, etc. problems and show steps and just basically do the do

- the “myscript calculator” is tight too. You can just draw all the symbols with your fingers and make it happen.

55) Have students use Khan academy (and Brightstorm) for math and sciences when they need help. I can set up a coaching situation in khan academy.

30) Have meetings with Marti (Senior Advisor) in order to help with the local college scene…UNIBE, INTEC, etc. Meet with the parents and him, set up meetings with admissions people, etc.

- Marti says he knows people in these places and that can help

???? This could be a “transition” situation

31) have cats use the app on mobile devices…its cracking in helping students study vocab and concepts.

29) Use a weekly cycle planner template to keep track of all the things I’m doing with these guys each period. Making it happen! (see below):

33) Have S.E.E. cats do Noodle Tools for sure (and Have them use tags for different arguments, counter-arguments etc. and they need to have their summary filled out, etc.

- good idea from franklin was to just copy and paste the sundar action….but I wonder if they should be filling out the Noodle Tools before they even get to the Sundar action?

35) If GPA’s are lower than 80 I am pushing them very hard. On them like brown on rice.

37) Work with Marti to help kids get extra time on Pruebas Nacionales

39) Quarter Reflections with OLC and probation

- look at the “Progress of OLC students” Xcel spreadsheet with the student

- look at the regular spreadsheet from the whole quarter…look at the notes, etc.

- look at quarter report and the goals, recommendations, etc.

- then fill out the reflection based on the template that you have (see files)

- one thing to think about and discuss with them is the improvement (or not) between the quarters. It is really effective going both ways….”look how good you are doing”…or “what happened?!”

- another thing that I have been doing is to take the previous quarter reflection and instead of “saving as” and then erasing old data, I will just use the cross out (strike through) function in Word so we can still see the things they said previously.

45) Have “To-Do” sheets on the Moodle so cats can get them if needed

DP…. Have all cats sign up to my Moodle

46) Have cats during OLC time do the Q-notes answering of the questions they generated……..have this in your Cycle Plan template and periodically have them do the do

51) Tell students to make like Debbie and just ask one question or two per class para asegurar que estes enfocando ( make sure you are staying focused ).

52) make cool “good bye cards” for the outgoing seniors. Writing a nice little note and drawing cool designs….or doing stencils of their faces or something. Take pics of students and then put in Photoshop and do the do

53) I have an accordion folder with about 7 or 8 good Graphic Organizers (GEs). They are to help with essays, reading, getting ready for Vicks historical discussions, etc.

I have a manila envelope with each GE and it has a description of it (See file) and what they are good for along with copies

54) MATH: I have cats like Ciaccio review vocab and theorems, write in his own words, add pics and then requiz……after failing a quiz (below 70?). Do this before the test. He seems excited that he’s learning the material more

56) I met with the middle school OLC teacher and had a meet up that was like a transition hand-off for her 8th graders coming to me. she had a table with their name, their level and notes about them (i.e. reading level, concerns, etc.)

- this was a good meet. Helped see what she was doing, what the kids would expect, etc.

- follow up with 8th grade student files (i.e. work samples, accommodations form, etc.)

- because of this meeting I added the “Notes” section to the online portfolio template so people can see it in the future (i.e. the new high school OLC teacher next year now that I'm leaving)…..

57) Get the VCR room reserved so cats can practice their S.E.E. oral defense beforehand if they would like.

60) Use students usernames to search their ‘sets created’ and give the user names to other students so they can do the same if they are in the same class. Once they have the name they can find the set and “copy” it, or search by set, and then they copy it and make it their own.

61)….I am able to see the last time they studied, last time they created a set, and I think high scores, solely by searching their user name. It’s pretty terrific and neat

- I have experimented with making a notebook in my Evernote app for Quizlet usernames so I can check on kids

- I think there are ways they can game this, but hey…..

62) You need to jump on struggling students a little quicker. The problem is that you have this progressive way at approaching students and interventions and everything, but they are falling behind and too quickly they are in a pickle (academic probation). You need to stay on top, take it all (i.e. computers, free time, etc.), have them earn it back ;)……this means more cats using “to-do sheets”, dailies, weeklies, meeting with parents quicker and getting support, etc. You did this this year and saved two kids from getting kicked out and helped another girl go from almost hitting probation to almost hitting honors.

63.7-9) I make tutorial type videos and post them on Moodle, give kids Youtube links, etc. I have some tools that I use and can use to do this. Some of the tools are like:

Mouse Locator (it makes the cursor thing big and colored so the viewers can see it), zoom in on my Mac by hitting Control + 2 finger swipe up, Quicktime screen recorder (did those files make it work??? Maybe I used something else?)

a) Use “Quicktime” to record the screen

b) Use “mouse locator” download…in preferences now….to make my cursor a green circle

c) In order to zoom into a certain part of the page, you put the mouse cursor where you want to zoom and then hit CONTROL + two finger zoom up (Macbook Pro).

d) It’s a good idea to make the vid like a 5 point lesson plan in many ways….have the goals in the beginning, check in’s, recaps, etc.

68) I have a list on my day planner on Wednesday for who will have Saturday school this Saturday. I try to finalize by around then or Thursday and then send list to the secretary. If there are kids after that I just let her know to add to the list. But a lot of the kids are on the list for things done the previous week.

- kids can give me 4 detention passes to get out of Saturday school…I collect them by Friday, and then on Monday when I get the list from the secretary of who attended and how their behavior was, I can just let her know they were all good.

65) Globe it up. This is a system where students give me assignments or quizzes with which they scored high and I put them in a box or something. From time to time I reach in the box and pull out a name. That person gets hooked up. Food, leave early, free time in class, detention pass (any detention!!!!), phone call home, etc.

66) Have Pizza or Chef Pepper from time to time in the class. Just a little moral booster, chill time….maybe have them earn it somehow.

68) College Board Disabilities coordinator (SSD Coordinator). You need this position to help request accommodations (i.e. extra time) for students for the SAT

AP tests, PSATs, etc. Things like extra time. Daum gave you the username and password. I don’t know if you should make it public, but it’s user name me for the password

69) Don’t forget to use Overdrive from the library to get Audiobooks. The librarian helped you start a digital library for the HS OLC. Hopefully those titles stay on there and we can do the darn thing.

75) Help seniors fill out the “The Common Application” for colleges. Get them to take stuff home, ask parents, fill out the paper one, and fill out the stuff on

- handle it boy

- work with essays

- work with counselors

- help them with doing research into colleges.

76) Tech Talk I try to shoot for once a cycle to do a tech talk with students. I have a file for all the notes I have, 5 day lesson plans, unit plans, video’s, etc.

-I want to put some of these things on Moodle

-You got it started on Atlas

77) With LEVEL I Resource students during the first week or two we meet and talk about the following things: accommodations sheet, End of Year report from previous year (i.e. recommendations), do a quarter 4 reflection, get their phone number, ?binder check, tell them that they need to stop by at least once a week to do a grade check, check agenda’s etc.

- I also do a similar thing as above with probations students

82) Try to sit with kids on Friday who have Saturday school and figure out what they will get accomplished during the four hours there. Making a little list etc.

- tell them that once they knock out everything by 12pm Saturday they can have the rest of the weekend free to chill

84) I try to send the Case Manager letter (see file) that introduces myself in Spanish and English. I did it to the first year and got 0% response rate. That made me wonder if I should do it again…I think you should.

86) I have a rule for Math class that if they get below a 70 on any assignment they will have a consequence (lunch detention). And still, any assessment below 70 will be a test corrections for no points.

87) It’s getting to the point where I am needing a Cycle Plan for the Level I students and what I am doing with them and what not (i.e. Nickyy and are doing different things with re-writes for English essays using graphic organizers, downloading certain apps and teaching him how to use them, etc…..these need to be planned out more than just in your Day planner)

88) To keep track of Level I students and probation students and everything, the Excel spreadsheet is pretty good for writing notes in the future that I need to follow up on. I just put it in the next blank spot. Then next time I’m looking at their thing I see it and follow up with it.

88) Standefer, I don’t know if you know, but I should mention that when a student is having trouble in a class the first place I look is at the student and their organization, study habits, classroom behavior, etc. After that I look at the teacher and the basic stuff like organization and classroom management and what not….and then start looking at ways to scaffold and support. It’s kind of like an RTI style; you have to make sure that all things are equal before the real interventions come into play.

89)Using the Moodle and Cycle Planner I make a list of the things that math students have to do before a HW check and binder check……….I use the Powerpoints on the Moodle to get the assignments, and the videos are on the cycle planner, and let kids know that they have to be up to date or they will have consequences the next time I see them.

90) I am enrolled in all of the teachers Moodle’s who have a kid in my class…..for the most part. I do it in the first few weeks of the year

- it’s a little wack now that you have to get individual enrollment keys from the teachers, but it is well worth it.

91) Standefer. One of the few means I have to keep the students in check is to have detentions. Pretty much every break, lunch and at least an hour after school (after enrichment) I have some students serving detention.

- I play a coin toss game to give them the opportunity to take off detention times, or leave early. Sometimes I will give them a coin toss to see whether I drop them in the office or let them go early when I don’t feel like staying after school

- this is a good tool and it coincidentally gives you more time with the students to do things (i.e. interventions, monitoring, etc.).

- it is easier for me because I am single and can stay after school, but at the very minimum the breaks and lunches can work out, Saturday school is run by the school, and the secretaries are here until four pm and may be willing to house the students

93) Make SAT study plans for students who will be taking the test soon. Put them on a calendar and have the students get on it. Shoot a copy of the plan to parents, etc.

- help them sign up….. get accommodations, etc.

- am the SSD coordinator (see note previously with password)

???Sub-heading “Productivity

94) Before making emails explaining new To=do sheets, or behavior plans or anything, go back and look through old emails to find a kind of form letter that I can use (i.e. Manuel file > search for “daily” > find email and copy and paste……10 seconds)

95) Kids make a lot of copies in my room ( I have a 3 in one printer). In order to bring costs waaaaay down I have a “inktec” refill kit for HP printers….color and black. They last a long time and don't cost much

- also, having the printer is key. Not only for the kids to feel like the OLC is a place for them on many levels (support, leave their books, print, etc.), but it also is invaluable for me. To make a quick copy of xyz is very helpful (i.e. I want a kid to do a re-test b/c they scored low, then I copy their returned work and we can start the process from there)

96) There is enrichment on Mondays!!!!!

97) I am starting to look at Moodle’s deeper and collaborate more to figure out what is upcoming in the classes so I can do better with the To-Do sheets.

Then… I am adding a “To-Do Sheet” area to the OLC cycle plan and adding things that they should be doing every day. I have 3 or 4 kids doing the to-do sheets right now so it makes sense

98) my SCHEDULE has been pretty good. Flexible. This is my third year and my schedule, as we have planned it out this year:

So….that is basically it. Periods C, E, and F are flexible. And G block was the first quarter planning the class, second quarter teaching it, fourth quarter teaching it.

Year 2….. I had two OLC class periods. I had a period where I monitored the kids on academic and behavior probation. Semester 1 I had a push in every other day in English 10, and then a push in every other day in Geometry. Semester 2 I added a push in English 9 every other day also. Semester 1 I also taught a writing skills class….that’s why I pushed in less I suppose

Year 1….. I had a period for probations. I had two OLC classes. Then G period I would spend one day in English 9 Bahrenburg and the other day in English 10 Ware

I really like this year, my third year b/c there is a lot of flexibility to get things done. I am able to knockout almost all the things I want to do….and I think that with the results of the students success it shows that it’s working

99) I let students use the OLC room as a sort of home base to keep their clothes, binders, etc. if they want to. I usually have them keep their stuff in the bookcase or if I don’t have something going on in here they can keep all their stuff on the table where they were working

- they can come in during the day to pick things up if I’m here (they also have lockers, but you know)

68) It seems that increasingly that any kid on dailies, or to-do sheets or anything will find themselves with a weekly that goes home. They help the parents and keeping the connection between what they are doing here and consequences and rewards at home

- example: I might have a kid that is doing dailies and I want them to use an agenda. So I get an old ‘weekly’ from another kid, ‘save as’, and then I just add those two things that we do, tell mom to expect this weekly on Fridays, punishment and rewards can be contingent, and then I add the kid to the weekly log list on my wall

69) I have a “student account” on my mac (see Youtube tutorial for how to do it…that I am making).

- I did this so I could let students using my computer without risk of them snooping, or deleting files, etc. It is totally autonomous of my account.

- in order to get it I went to system preferences and created a new account.

- then in order to access it you only have to close your session and then log into the student one and then you enter that account and the desktop is different, the settings and controls are different, everything. It’s cool


5) Co-ordinating with the Laura’s from “one-on-one Tutoring”. Having the Tutoring folders for students, and having them write down what they are going to work on in tutoring so they doesn’t waste time when he gets there

87) During enrichment time have kids sporadically check in with a teacher to see how they are doing. Ya dig? It’s sometimes a good check up especially if they don’t do a weekly…and the teachers probably like it too

89) Send electronic copies of the Accommodations sheet (Passport) (see file). Add the little half page write up (“cover letter”) to the body of the email and attach the passport

…I do this at the beginning of the year and at the semester change if they have new classes

22) Shoot emails to parents that have the study plan and ask them to help their child follow it at home for difficult classes like science

23) Assessment Corrections

I have a process where I have the students redo an assessment either for a grade, or not, if they score below a certain threshold. This is to help them build the skills for the class, and can also be served as something punitive in case they didn't study or something like that.

Link to Basic Version

Link to complex version

40) Have admin access to PowerSchool. This is invaluable. I can:

- check gradebooks/ schedules of other teachers. This helps with looking at dynamics in a class, looking at grades, looking at everything that can help you do your job

- this helps you look up any kid in the school (as long as you have last name). You can check schedule, phone numbers, grades, etc.

- que mas?

….it looks like I had to coerce the tech guy to give me the access to the gradebooks (check Moodle video … I believe…for how to access it).