Motivation for students

11) Skateboard painting ( maybe switch to doing it at the semester ). Students can earn a painted skateboard with their name on it (or something else cool) if they hit certain goals. So far you have done it for best Learning Center student overall GPA in the quarter…then you thought to do it in the semester, for Writing Skills you said the best grade, etc.

- don’t forget that time that Eliseo looked up while doing some work and said “I’m gonna win that skateboard”. That’s the type of motivation I’m working for.

- show pics at the beginning of the year

- Go to "Art....for the kids" for example images and videos

41) If cats get below a 78% in a quarter they will have a mandatory agenda. . . maybe even enrichments too. . . once a week to start with?

- make sure they cross things off that they’ve completed (have parents help with that)

- have them put the word “none” for areas that didn’t have homework

- have them paperclip old pages together or tear them out

- some students have had success with HI liters in agenda (I don’t know how)

42) Be super excited and supportive with the students’ successes. You don’t do it too often, but it’s a goal. Make it so

56) All struggling cats are doing at least 2 classes on Quizlets……this means that they will be using for at least two classes to daily add new concepts and vocab, review these things, play the games, etc.

- don’t forget how some cats get real excited about the game features. And then I jump in and try to beat their high scores. It makes the studying more fun.

57) Got struggling cat’s doing the “to-do” sheets at home and getting it signed off and coming at enrichment to fill them out. Cats that are slipping will do the to-do’s (See Moodle) and will stay on it. Parents will be very involved and so will consequences.

88) Go over Honors criteria from P. 14 in the handbook…..or below on some screenshot that students are very clear about what they will need to do to get their goal.

42) Give detention passes for turning in to-do sheet 5 days in a row. Also for having a good weekly give them one or two. And other stuff. Hopefully keeping them motivated. Yes. It’s almost like the gamification of consequences (i.e. kids are like, “I only need one more pass and then I get out of Saturday school! I’m going to ace my history test so I can get out of it”)


If I get a positive email I will give them a detention pass (this is from teachers who are doing the 2 prompts and then email me for 30 minutes detention)

34) If GPA is less than 78 or something like that they have to be using an agenda and consequences follow it

- stay checking on them consistently

- what should the consequences be? Every time I check and they don’t have it done will be . . . 2 or 3 lunch period detentions?

79) If you have a 0 on an assignment, each 0 is a consequence ( about once every two weeks I try to do checks for 0’s. I count up the zeros and give consequences, or if they have none I give them a detention pass, or call home or something of the like)

-any grades below 50% will be a consequence

…. Also, with Science and math, every grade below 70% needs to be redone until they get above 70 (To-do sheets and what not)

- with the re-tests they should do “Test Corrections” (find file) and shoot to me (like math stuff)

- also do these things

- tell them this will help them on the test

- take a look at their old test

- take a look at the books and notes and figure out the hard parts

- make a study plan

- do test corrections

- plan a day when they will re-take the quiz

80) You do the “coin toss” to the wall or paper toss to the basket to see if you will hook students up. (i.e. if you can get the coin closer to the wall you can leave detention early…..or any other thing they want). We do it somewhat sparingly, depending on the situation. There are times when I want to leave a detention after school early and I will frame the situation in a way that looks favorable to them (i.e. Do you want to go? If you can beat me in the coin toss you can go right now”….win-win).

83) Give cats detention passes for getting 90’s and above on assessments and big projects. Kids like it…and it gives me a chance to give them kudos.