RANDOM (forms, etc.)

This section is for resources that I have compiled that do not relate to Curriculum or Behaviour. Each of the areas below will take you to a page with more details and a ton of documents to help you get an idea of the resources I have been using and the things that I do.

Special Education (DIGITAL) Portfolio for High School


This is a template for a digital portfolio I created on "Google Sites" that houses all of the things (almost) that I have compiled for each student I work with. It is a way to take all of the different things that pertain to the student and put them in one place. This means that I don't have the "accommodations" form in their file in my file cabinet, their IEP on my hardrive (and an older draft in the schools network drive), and notes about behaviour in my Excel Spreadsheet, and teacher feedback forms in a Google Form in my Google Drive. Instead of that, all of these things are compiled here so you can have a full picture of the student in one place and keep things easy.

In addition to the organization and ease of use, this is also an excellent way for "hand-offs". This means that when a 9th grade teacher is getting new 8th graders, the 8th grade teacher will have everything in one place and the 9th grade teacher can copy that website and make it their own. Or if someone is taking over your permission you can share ownership of the site (a.k.a. student portfolio) to the new teacher and within a few seconds they will have every pertinent document that they will need. I have added a part to the "Notes" section of each grade level page to have "Notes for Next Year" to help the incoming teacher know everything that was being done with the student, and it will also help you in August remember all the different things you had set up for each student.

This also helps with students who are exiting your program and need access to old IEPs, work samples, transition work, etc. You can give them a copy of the link, or share one page with them and they will have what they need and will not have to deal with too much hullabaloo to get it.

Lastly, I like the use of this portfolio because it helps with keeping up to date info, it is safe and secure with different levels of permissions that you can grant, everything is in one place, and it can help Spedukators with best practices. What I mean by this is that for example you may see that year after year you have little to no information in the "Transition" section, or "Work Samples". That can lead you to think about your practices and spur you (me) to do more of these activities.
