Weekly Goal Sheets

I modeled these in the form of the IEP. We have a big goal (i.e. a GPA goal), and then we have a series of objectives to help students (and all parties) focus on what the student needs to do to keep this dialed in. And additionally there is a very explicit way to "assess" whether the goal was met. This is generally used for students that are exhibiting bigger behaviors than the weekly and daily is able to support. I have had a lot of success with this. Once the objectives are dialed in and the consequences and rewards are set up for that family, things tend to work out well.

The examples that I have are geared more towards behaviors that make a student successful in their academics, but the objectives, and connection to the parents and the school can be a good template for how to work with more specific behaviors that are inhibiting positive social actions or pro-social behaviors in general.

One side note. If they do not hit their goal that we outlined on the sheet, I always give them a four week chance to make the goal…or else we do the full consequences. This means that they will have the full consequences for four weeks, but if they can hit their goal at that point we can stop the consequences and be good to go. Otherwise it’s lights out.