Things I Do as a Resource Teacher (Learning Support Teacher)

I compiled this list of things I do as a Resource teacher during three years as the resource teacher in an international private school in the Dominican Republic. The students were either in a dedicated resource classes, push-in support (i.e. co-teaching), students on Academic Probation, and Behavior Probation.

I started off making a list of things that I do on the regular so that I wouldn't forget small things over the summer. Then when I realized that I was leaving my position, I wanted to make sure what I had done continued, so I began to take a note every time I did something (i.e. made an accommodation, started a new behavior plan, etc.). After about 9 months I had a 42 page Word document! I organized it in the following categories below, and hope to give you some ideas of what you can do as the Learning Center Resource Teacher.

In addition to the information you can find in each category in the table below and the accompanying web pages, I have attached the original document that has all of these categories in one document called "Things I Do".

Breakdown of Terminology in the following pages