MISC Resource ideas

(One reason several of these things are here

is because it was for Resource Class and academic probation, etc…..so I might need to just pop it in

OLC…or find another category)

17) Going to bed by 10 and not doing wack things before 6pm really keep you on your game! Handle it. You felt like a different person when you got that sleep.

- you also worked out today before work and it makes things so much cooler!!! You keep thinking that you have to work out later, but you don’t. It’s such a relieving feeling

23) Staying proactive so problems don’t come to you, you bring stuff up. You shouldn’t have people sending you emails about students, you should be hitting them up and be like, “I was just checking blah blah blah and noticed…….”


- you want to be a pro….keep this your mantra.

- this means that you are using shortcuts for all your stuff on your computer (i.e. CTRL + V = PASTE), keeping things digital as much as possible so you can search things easier, you have 16 Gigs of RAM on your computer and a solid state drive (SSD) so it runs as fast as possible

- you find things to do at home while you are watching movies and listening to podcasts (i.e. crossing off my day planner, erasing reminders from my phone, doing PowerSchool grade checks and putting them in the XL sheet so I can talk to the kids quicker the next day, writing things like this document, getting PPTs set up, etc.)

29) keep up on your personal / professional goals in sketch book. . . in your head! Remember not to have too many goals for each year or semester, but pick a few and don’t forget them.

49) First talk with Probation students (expound here). You have a file that has about 7 or 8 questions that you use to talk to students when you first meet them. Set goals, figure out where they were at, etc.

73) Have phone numbers of all students I work with so that I can text them and follow up on them ( i.e. “ send me your Rough Draft so I can help you get 100%, you were supposed to go to detention, etc.)

18) Have some cats (probation cats) come to me at least once a week during enrichment to work on study plans…plan it out, put in agenda or calendar o algo……do the “Study Plan General” and have kids follow up

… threaten them with the “To-Do” sheet ;)

…this includes sitting them down and registering with QUizlet.com,

…walking them through a Q-notes

…walking them through the 5 day study plan starting from whatever topic they are currently on

19) When looking into teachers that aren’t doing there thing so much (their thing being teaching)….make sure to make it very general and put it in a way that will make it so they don’t know which kid said what. You don’t want what happened with Maria and the math teacher and Department head happening again (“ Mr. Haight, did you tell Mr. Blank that I said that he just let half the class fail?!”)

( i.e. “I was looking at PowerSchool and notice that ……”)

22) Shoot emails to parents that have the study plan and ask them to help their child follow it at home for difficult classes like science

26) Probation time (as the “case manager”) = talking with teachers about how to help improve, emailing parents, talking with parents, checking their grades, looking at PowerSchool for their whole class where they are having trouble, following up on enrichment and detentions…etc.

27) When talking to teachers about how they (the teacher) are doing, compared to teachers that teach the same class (i.e. Biology discrepancies)….don’t use specific numbers and don’t compare them….unless you want to rock the boat. You can just say hey, I noticed that your kids are doing really well, what are you doing. That’s an idea…..also, you can try to peer buddy with guys from the good class with ones from the bad class so your guys can get some help.

40) Have admin access to PowerSchool. This is invaluable. I can:

- check gradebooks/ schedules of other teachers. This helps with looking at dynamics in a class, looking at grades, looking at everything that can help you do your job

- this helps you look up any kid in the school (as long as you have last name). You can check schedule, phone numbers, grades, etc.

- que mas?

….it looks like I had to coerce the tech guy to give me the access to the gradebooks (check Moodle video … I believe…for how to access it).

??? This is like “Productivity”

43) I have the Microsoft Outlook app on my Mac….the Mac version obviously. I was using the web-based Outlook for email until I was having problems for months doing screen shots and dropping them into emails. Nigel hooked up the Outlook App and it is dope. Many more features than the web-based approach

- I have notifications of emails pop up in the lower right hand corner of my screen for a few seconds, it’s helpful

7) Use Jing’s screenscast ...and use the arrows, hilite feature, etc. No sabia!!!!

55) On a side note, I'm using Quizlet.com “SPANISH -Most Frequent Words” flashcard set to help marino the janitor to learn how to read and write. He can learn the words…..play the games…..study…..HEAR them….etc.

59) Email to Probation student’s teachers to outline what is up with the student, strengths, weaknesses, etc…..let me know of any problems, or good things, etc. It’s basically like the passport you give to teachers for students in Special Education. They should all know that you are helping that student.

70) Email the teachers of students on probation and let them know what’s up and that I can support

60) I keep my room as a chill spot for cats that need a place to be. Some cats stop by at break and lunch a lot, maybe to avoid the drama of the cafeteria? But being here for them to chat with, eat, use the computer, play video games, etc., is cool.