2022 Chislehurst May Queen Crowned

Post date: May 15, 2022

After a two year hiatus due to Covid-19 restrictions, Daisy Williams was crowned Chislehurst May Queen on Saturday 7th May, with Ruby Williams as her prince.

Despite some threatening skies as the retinue gathered for the parade from the High Street to the Common, we were blessed with blue skies and sunshine, and it was great to see so many people watch the parade and join us on Chislehurst Common for the Crowning Ceremony itself.

The marching band of T S Brilliant Sea Cadets led the parade, and we were also joined by Chislehurst Invicta Cub Scouts, who formed the Guard of Honour for the Queen and Prince and secured the base of the May Pole itself (a crucial role!).

Bromley & Chislehurst MP Sir Bob Neill and Chislehurst May Queen Society President Vera Quinn presented medals to the Queen and Prince.

Following the traditional May Queen dances - performed flawlessly by a young retinue (thanks to retiring queen Amelie Brooks for her great work in teaching the dances) - we were further entertained by Quick-Steps Dance School and by All The Arts Drama School.

We hope to see everyone back for our Centenary Year in 2023

Please see the 2022 gallery page for further photos