

With the approach of May, when the land suddenly seems filled with the blossoms of springtime, the towns and villages of Britain are busy completing the preparations for their annual May Day Festivals. Countless young girls eagerly look forward to the great moment when, as May Queen, they will parade to their Crowning surrounded by their attendants.

Then, with the garlanded and gaily painted maypole set up in its accustomed position on the green, they preside over the traditional dances and festivities which celebrate the arrival of “The Gladdest Time of the Year”.

The Chislehurst May Queen Society is proud to be part of this rich British tradition. May Day customs date back to ancient times and the modern May Queen crowning ceremonies and dancing are part of that heritage. In 1923 Olive Everist became the first Chislehurst May Queen and the Chislehurst May Queen Society was born. Every year since then Chislehurst has crowned a new May Queen, with only one interruption during the Second World War (1941).

If you have any memories of the Chislehurst May Queen festivities over the years that you would like to share please let us know.