In the 92nd year of the Chislehurst May Queen, Laila Jefferies was crowned May Queen, accompanied by her Prince, Imogen Mole.

Following a procession to Chislehurst Common, led by Ross Jefferies the father of the May Queen, and the Band of the TS Resolution N.T.C., the crowning was followed by the retinue performing four traditional maypole dances in front of a large crowd. The May Queen's Guard of Honour was undertaken by Chislehurst Invicta Cub Scouts.

If you have any memories or photos of the Chislehurst May Queen from this year that you would like to share please contact us.

Thanks to everyone who attended and supported, with money, hard labour or applause for making it such a memorable and successful day!

After the ceremony and a closing procession the retinue and their guests enjoyed a traditional tea party at Chislehurst Methodist Church.

The ceremony saw a large number of entrants to the annual fancy dress competition, with a home made Minion triumphing over some stiff opposition. The retinue and the crowd were also entertained by a number of dances from our guests All The Arts, the Funky Chicks and the Morris Minors.

Also present were our President, Vera Quinn, and Mr Bob Neill, our local MP, who presented this year's medals to the Retinue.

For more photos from the day, please click on this link