Links to related websites
The Chislehurst Society is a local charity which aims to 'keep Chislehurst special'.
The Rotary Club of Chislehurst works within our community to raise funds for good causes. One of their main events is the Summer Fair, at which the May Queen retinue dance and where we host a tombola stall.
The Friends of Chislehurst Recreation Ground are a group of volunteers who aim to preserve and enhance one of Chislehurst's green spaces for the benefit of the local community.
Visit Chislehurst is a website run by the Chislehurst Business Group aimed at promoting Chislehurst as a great place to live, work and visit.
Chislehurst Methodist Church has been a welcoming, inclusive neighbourhood community since 1870. It has provided the venue for May Queen dancing rehearsals and tea parties.
St Nicholas Church has been linked with the Chislehurst May Queen since the Society was founded in 1923: the father of our founder was a bell ringer in the Church and the grandfather of the first May Queen.
The Chislehurst May Queen Society relies on the support of the local community and other organisations in Chislehurst. The following are links to some of those organisations that you may find helpful.
Chislehurst Commons Conservators look after the Chislehurst and St Paul's Cray Commons as an amenity for the enjoyment of local people and visitors. With their support we are able to continue the tradition of dancing on Chislehurst Common.