Andre Vidas Olsen

I am a postgraduate student from Copenhagen University with a M.Sc. in Bioinformatics. I did my Master's thesis at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research where I acquired extensive skills within computer science and genetics including detection of copy number variation, power analysis and association studies. Central to these analyses is the use of various programming languages and available tools.

In CBL at the DCRC, I am continuing to use these skills in other fields and in collaboration with experimental groups both inside and outside DCRC . This includes i) developing a pipeline for the analyses of RNA-Seq data, ii) implementing scripts for the analyses of lipidomics data sets (in collaboration with the Lipidomics Core Facility at Cell Death and Metabolism), iii) collaborating to further development of the R TCGAbiolinks package for analyses of the TCGA datasets (in collaboration with Antonio Colaprico, (Universite' Libre the Bruxelles, Belgium), iv) investigate mechanisms of membrane repairs using RNASEQ data.