
Genealogical Additions that go Beyond Origins of New Mexico Families in the Spanish Colonial Period by Fray Angélico Chávez

Web Site of José Antonio Esquibel

Welcome to BONMF

Providing corrections and additions to Origins of New Mexico Families in the Spanish Colonial Period based on credible research. Consult the BONMF Status PDF as a quick reference to see how far back various family lines have been traced.


January 25, 2021:

Apodaca (González de Apodaca)


Arvide Pacheco

Baca (Isabel)

Fresquís (Fresco)

García de Noriega

López Holguín-Villanueva

Luis Luján

Montes Vigil (NM and Zacatecas)

Montes Vigil Royal Lineage

Romero de Pedraza

Romero-Mestas & Romero-Martín

Salazar (Catalina de)



Valdés y Bustos

Varela Jaramillo



Posted January 1, 2016

Descendants of Hernán Martin Serrano in 17th-century and Early 18th-century New Mexico: The First Five Generations

The PDF below provides the most current revised genealogy of the first five generations of the large Martín Serrano family, which includes source citations.

Descendants of Hernán Martin Serrano by José Antonio Esquibel 1st Five Generations January 2019.pdf