Repara, compila, compacta

Sitios donde hayar codigo especifico para estos usos.


Utilidad que compacta ( Cierra la base y la compacta )

Public Function saldeunamalditavez()

'It only works when launched from a form rather than a module as {F10} calls up the toolbar (the same as pressing the ALT key) and 'TDC is Tools, Database utilites, Compact database.

'Whereas in a module the compact database option is not part of the toolbar.

SendKeys "%(TDC)", False

End Function

Utilidad que sirve para seleccionar un dir, recorrerlo en toda su profundidad y reparar-compactar todas aquellas bases mdb que no hayan sido compactadas y reparadas.

* deberas de tener marcadas las siguientes referencias:

scrrun.dll y msjro.dll

Llama al procedimiento desde un form de la siguiente manera y con los siguientes objetos.

Private Sub cmdCompactarReparar_Click

Direccion2 = BrowseFolder("Escoja la direccion de Destino")

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCompRepar_Click()

If IsNull(Direccion2) Then Exit Sub

CompactAllDirectory IIf(Left(Direccion2, 1) <> "\", Direccion2 & "\", Direccion2), Label1

Label1.Caption = "Completado"

End Sub

en un modulo escribe:

Option Base 0

Option Explicit

Dim index As Long

Dim innerIndex As Long

Dim compactedDBs() As String

Dim compacted As Boolean

Sub CompactAndRepairDB(dbfile As String)

Dim jetEngine As JRO.jetEngine

Dim strSourceConnect As String

Dim strDestConnect As String

Set jetEngine = New JRO.jetEngine

strSourceConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source=" & dbfile & ";"

strDestConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source=" & dbfile & ".ylk" & ";"

jetEngine.CompactDatabase strSourceConnect, strDestConnect

eliminabasevieja (dbfile)

Name dbfile & ".ylk" As dbfile

Set jetEngine = Nothing

End Sub

Sub eliminabasevieja(dbfile As String)

Kill dbfile

End Sub

Sub CompactAllDirectory(MyPath As String, lbl As Label)

Dim MyFile As String, MyName As String

Dim change As Boolean

MyName = Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory)

Do While MyName <> ""

If MyName <> "." And MyName <> ".." Then

If (GetAttr(MyPath & MyName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then

MyFile = MyPath & MyName & "\"

If index <> 0 Then

innerIndex = 0

compacted = False

Do While innerIndex < index

If compactedDBs(innerIndex) = MyFile Then

compacted = True

Exit Do

End If

innerIndex = innerIndex + 1


End If

If Not compacted Then

CompactAllDirectory MyFile, lbl

change = True

ReDim Preserve compactedDBs(index)

compactedDBs(index) = MyFile

index = index + 1

End If

End If

End If

If change Then

MyName = Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory)

change = False


MyName = Dir

End If

lbl.Caption = "Passing :" & MyPath & MyName



compactFiles MyPath, lbl

End Sub

Sub compactFiles(MyPath As String, lbl As Label)

Dim MyFile As String, MyName As String

MyName = Dir(MyPath & "*.mdb")

Do While MyName <> ""

MyFile = MyPath & MyName

If index <> 0 Then

innerIndex = 0

compacted = False

Do While innerIndex < index

If compactedDBs(innerIndex) = MyFile Then

compacted = True

Exit Do

End If

innerIndex = innerIndex + 1


End If

If Not compacted Then

lbl.Caption = "compactado :" & MyFile

If MyName = CurrentProject.Name Then


If Form_z_GestionAdministrador.txtFin.Value = "Si" Then lbl.Caption = " Finalizado subitamente por el operador": Exit Sub

CompactAndRepairDB MyFile

ReDim Preserve compactedDBs(index)

compactedDBs(index) = MyFile

index = index + 1

End If

End If

MyName = Dir ' Get next entry.



End Sub

*** !!! Ojo : codigo semiadaptado de otro autor que lo ofrecia libre y a quien desconozco.

* Optimizada para access 2003