
Congelar la ventana

Public Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long

    'To freeze a window:
LockWindowUpdate hwnd
    'To unlock the window:
LockWindowUpdate 0

Solo números

' place this in the 'Keypress' event of a text box
Const Number$ = "0123456789." ' only allow these characters
If KeyAscii <> 8 Then
    If InStr(Number$, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then
       KeyAscii = 0
       Exit Sub
     End If
End If
' Force numbers only in a text box
If IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii)) <> True Then KeyAscii = 0


'Created by Brendan Nichols

Use On load form: Call GetPos(Frm as Form, resize_text as boolean)


Resize_text = true then text is resized as form is resized, resize_text must be the same in getpos as in resizeform

In form_resize:

Call ResizeForm(frm as form, resize_text as boolean)

Global Ratio(10000) As Double

Global x As Integer

Public Sub GetPos(Frm As Form, resize_text As Boolean)

x = 0

Dim c As Control

For Each c In Frm.Controls

Ratio(x) = c.Width / Frm.Width

Ratio(x + 1) = c.Height / Frm.Height

Ratio(x + 2) = c.Left / Frm.Width

Ratio(x + 3) = c.Top / Frm.Height

If c.FontSize > 0 And resize_text = True Then

Ratio(x + 4) = c.FontSize / (Frm.Height * Frm.Width)

x = x + 5


x = x + 4

End If

Next c

End Sub

Public Sub ResizeForm(Frm As Form, resize_text As Boolean)

x = 0

Dim c As Control

For Each c In Frm.Controls

c.Width = Frm.Width * Ratio(x)

c.Height = Frm.Height * Ratio(x + 1)

c.Left = Frm.Width * Ratio(x + 2)

c.Top = Frm.Height * Ratio(x + 3)

If c.FontSize > 0 And resize_text = True Then

c.FontSize = Int((Frm.Height * Frm.Width) * Ratio(x + 4))

x = x + 5


x = x + 4

End If

Next c

End Sub