Upon reflection...

Post date: Nov 25, 2015 5:12:42 AM

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and continuing our series of favorite photos from the trips we've taken, here are reflections in the placid lakes of the High Sierra:

Red Peak as the sun goes down.©backpackthesierra.com
The cove near our camp©http://backpackthesierra.com

Devils' Punchbowl, John Muir Wilderness Lower Ottoway Lake, Yosemite

Peskl 9250 upside down.©backpackthesierra.com
The outlet.©http://backpackthesierra.com

Lyons Lake, Desolation Wilderness Robinson Lakes, Yosemite

And at the end of the day, the wind died completely©backpackthesierra.com
Quite cold, but I had to get up to catch these photos©http://backpackthesierra.com

Gem Lake, Emigrant Wilderness Cinko Lake, Hoover Wilderness

First stop: Wood Lake, an old favorite. We actually heard someone here...but we hadn't seen any people at all for two or three days...©http://backpackthesierra.com
perfect reflection at dawn at Emeric Lake©http://backpackthesierra.com
Our favorite tree at Altha©http://backpackthesierra.com

Woods Lake, Emigrant Wilderness Emeric Lake Yosemite Altha Lake, Ansel Adams Wilderness

The next morning, we're off down the Fernandez trail to Vandeburg Lake©http://backpackthesierra.com
He had lots of time to take photos,...as he never saw a fish. Only pollywogs. ©http://backpackthesierra.com

Leighton Lake, Emigrant Wilderness Iceland Lake, Emigrant Wilderness

Stella Lake was beautiful! ©http://backpackthesierra.com
As is the lake ©http://backpackthesierra.com

Stella Lake, Hoover Wilderness Roosevelt Lake, Yosemite

Sunset  ©http://backpackthesierra.com

Iland Lake, Desolation Wilderness